Interface NativeConfig.BuilderImageConfig

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface NativeConfig.BuilderImageConfig
    • Method Detail

      • image

        String image()
        The docker image to use to do the image build. It can be one of `graalvm`, `mandrel`, or the full image path, e.g.
      • pull

        NativeConfig.ImagePullStrategy pull()
        The strategy for pulling the builder image during the build.

        Defaults to 'always', which will always pull the most up-to-date image; useful to keep up with fixes when a (floating) tag is updated.

        Use 'missing' to only pull if there is no image locally; useful on development environments where building with out-of-date images is acceptable and bandwidth may be limited.

        Use 'never' to fail the build if there is no image locally.

      • getEffectiveImage

        default String getEffectiveImage()