Annotation Interface BuildStep

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) public @interface BuildStep
Indicates that a given method is a build step that is run at deployment time to create the runtime output.

Build steps are run concurrently at augmentation time to augment the application. They use a producer/consumer model, where a step is guaranteed not to be run until all items that it is consuming have been created.

Producing and consuming is done via injection. This can be done via field injection, method parameter injection, or constructor parameter injection.

The following types are eligible for injection into a build step:

Injecting a SimpleBuildItem or a List of MultiBuildItem makes this step a consumer of these items, and as such will not be run until all producers of the relevant items has been run.

Injecting a BuildProducer makes this class a producer of this item. Alternatively items can be produced by simply returning them from the method.

If field injection is used then every BuildStep method on the class will be a producer/consumer of these items, while method parameter injection is specific to an individual build step. In general method parameter injection should be the preferred approach as it is more fine-grained.

Note that a BuildStep will only be run if there is a consumer for items it produces. If nothing is interested in the produced item then it will not be run. A consequence of this is that it must be capable of producing at least one item (it does not actually have to produce anything, but it must have the ability to). A build step that cannot produce anything will never be run.

BuildItem instances must be immutable, as the producer/consumer model does not allow for mutating artifacts. Injecting a build item and modifying it is a bug waiting to happen, as this operation would not be accounted for in the dependency graph.

See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Class<? extends BooleanSupplier>[]
    Only include this build step if the given supplier class(es) return true.
    Class<? extends BooleanSupplier>[]
    Only include this build step if the given supplier class(es) return false.
  • Element Details

    • onlyIf

      Class<? extends BooleanSupplier>[] onlyIf
      Only include this build step if the given supplier class(es) return true.
      the supplier class array
    • onlyIfNot

      Class<? extends BooleanSupplier>[] onlyIfNot
      Only include this build step if the given supplier class(es) return false.
      the supplier class array