Interface ConfigTrackingConfig

@ConfigMapping(prefix="quarkus.config-tracking") @ConfigRoot(phase=BUILD_TIME) public interface ConfigTrackingConfig
Configuration options for application build time configuration usage tracking and dumping.
  • Method Details

    • enabled

      @WithDefault("false") boolean enabled()
      Whether configuration dumping is enabled
    • directory

      Optional<Path> directory()
      Directory in which the configuration dump should be stored. If not configured the .quarkus directory under the project directory will be used.
    • file

      Optional<Path> file()
      File in which the configuration dump should be stored. If not configured, the filePrefix() and fileSuffix() will be used to generate the final file name. If the configured file path is absolute, the directory() option will be ignored. Otherwise, the path will be considered relative to the directory().
    • filePrefix

      @WithDefault("quarkus") String filePrefix()
      File name prefix. This option will be ignored in case file() is configured.
    • fileSuffix

      @WithDefault("-config-dump") String fileSuffix()
      File name suffix. This option will be ignored in case file() is configured.
    • exclude

      Optional<List<String>> exclude()
      A list of config properties that should be excluded from the report. GLOB patterns could be used instead of property names.
    • getExcludePatterns

      default List<Pattern> getExcludePatterns()
      Translates the value of exclude() to a list of Pattern.
      list of patterns created from exclude()
    • hashOptions

      Optional<List<String>> hashOptions()
      A list of config properties whose values should be hashed in the report. The values will be hashed using SHA-512 algorithm. GLOB patterns could be used instead of property names.
    • getHashOptionsPatterns

      default List<Pattern> getHashOptionsPatterns()
      Translates the value of hashOptions() to a list of Pattern.
      list of patterns created from hashOptions()
    • toPatterns

      static List<Pattern> toPatterns(Optional<List<String>> globs)
    • useUserHomeAliasInPaths

      @WithDefault("true") boolean useUserHomeAliasInPaths()
      Whether to use a ~ as an alias for user home directory in path values