Package io.quarkus.deployment.annotations

package io.quarkus.deployment.annotations
  • Class
    An interface that can be injected to produce BuildItem instances This can be injected into either a field or method parameter.
    Indicates that a given method is a build step that is run at deployment time to create the runtime output.
    Applies configuration to all build steps defined in the same class.
    Declare that this step comes after the given build item is produced.
    The repeatable holder for Consume.
    Enum that specifies at what time generated bytecode should be run
    Indicate that the given produced item is produced only if no other steps produce that item.
    Declare that this step comes before the given build items are consumed.
    The repeatable holder for Produce.
    Declare that this step comes before the given build items are consumed, but using weak semantics.
    The repeatable holder for ProduceWeak.
    Indicates that this BuildStep method will also output recorded bytecode.
    Indicate that the given produced item is produced only weakly.