All Classes and Interfaces

An additional application archive.
A marker file that if present indicates that a given archive should be treated as an application archive.
Allows extensions to add classes to the index available via CombinedIndexBuildItem.
Build item that will allow the use of JNDI by default.
Create annotation proxies that can be used as Recorder parameters.
Indicates that a specific container image should be used to generate the AppCDS file
If this build item is generated, then it means that there is a recorder step that can be used as a point at which the application loading during AppCDS generation can be stopped safely, therefore allowing Quarkus to not have to stop loading the application in the static init phase which is the default approach for AppCDS generation.
Build item to indicate to the various steps that AppCDS generation has been requested
A build item containing the result of the AppCDS generation process
Represents an archive that is part of application code.
Makes it possible to identify wiring classes generated for classes from additional hot deployment paths.
The Jandex index of the application root.
A symbolic class that is produced after the startup event has been fired.
Represents a runnable artifact, such as an uberjar or thin jar.
A collection of ASM and Jandex utilities.
The augmentation task that produces the application.
A task that can be used in isolated environments to do a build
This is used currently only to suppress warnings about unknown properties when the user supplies something like: -Dquarkus.debug.reflection=true
An interface that can be injected to produce BuildItem instances This can be injected into either a field or method parameter.
Producer class used by the source generated from the annotation processor
Indicates that a given method is a build step that is run at deployment time to create the runtime output.
Applies configuration to all build steps defined in the same class.
The build systems target directory.
A configuration reader.
The definition of a constant that can be injected into recorders via their @Inject-annotated constructor.
A class that can be used to record invocations to bytecode so they can be replayed later.
A group of instructions that will always be executed in the same method
A step that must be executed to serialize a complex object
class responsible for splitting the bytecode into smaller methods, to make sure that even large objects and large numbers of invocations do not put us over the method limit.
This build items holds the set of registered capabilities.
Represents a capability of a core extension.
Represents a technical capability that can be queried by other extensions.
Represents the differences between classes in a dev mode restart.
WARNING: This is not normal quarkus config, this is only read from
Utility that dumps bytes from a class to a file - useful for debugging generated classes
Code generation context
Links a CodeGenProvider instance, an input and output directories for the provider.
A set of methods to initialize and execute CodeGenProviders.
Lock that is used to prevent scanning and compiling while code generator is updating sources There is a race when testing this, where you can see the intermediate empty state of the file, or where the file time changes twice.
Service providers for this interface are triggered during generate-sources phase of build of Quarkus applications
An index of application classes which is built from archives and dependencies that contain a certain marker file.
This class contains code coming from org.apache.maven.shared.utils.cli.CommandLineUtils.
A set of compiler flags for javac.
A build item that is not part of the standard build, but is only used to generate example config files and docs.
A pattern-matching mapping of configuration key pattern to value.
Configuration options for application build time configuration usage tracking and dumping.
Build configuration interceptor that records all the configuration options and their values that are read during the build.
A writer that persists collected configuration options and their values to a file
Provides an immutable map of options that were read during the build.
Transforms configuration values before they are written to a file
The build item which carries the build time configuration.
The configuration type build item.
Build item that signifies that the interactive console is ready.
Registers all classes for reflection, that contain a constructor annotated with @java.beans.ConstructorProperties.
Declare that this step comes after the given build item is produced.
The repeatable holder for Consume.
A container for a configuration key path.
Supported Container runtimes
Build Item that can be used to queue shutdown tasks that are run when the CuratedApplication is closed.
This class is a bit of a hack, it provides a way to pass in the current curratedApplication into the TestExtension
This is used currently only to suppress warnings about unknown properties when the user supplies something like: -Dquarkus.debug.reflection=true TODO refactor code to actually use these values
A noop remote dev client, that just polls every second to update the app This is useful if you are using an external tool such as odo to update your remote pod.
A configuration definition.
Fake connection that can be used to stop a running aesh instance If you create a console with one of these and then close it Aesh will assume the program is done and exit
Way for maven and gradle plugins to discover if any declared extensions support quarkus deploy
Object that is used to pass context data from the plugin doing the invocation into the dev mode process using java serialization.
SPI that can be used by extensions that need to run code in various phases of dev mode
The main entry point for the dev mojo execution
An additional configuration property to set when a dev service sets another, specific configuration property.
Build item that contains the final results of all configuration.
BuildItem for running dev services.
A marker build item that indicates, if any instances are provided during the build, the containers started by DevServices will use a shared network.
Generates a List<Consumer<BuildChainBuilder>> build chain builder which creates a build step producing the DevServicesSharedNetworkBuildItem build item.
Allows disabling of instrumentation based reload if the changed class matches certain criteria
Allows disabling of instrumentation based reload if the index of changed classes matches certain criteria
Contains the IDE to be opened when a request to open a class is made
--enable-all-security-services was removed in GraalVM 21.1
Substrate prints incomprehensible and useless 'potential call paths' that look like stack traces
Allows for a handler to be registered when exceptions are logged.
A build item that allows extension to configure the native-image compiler to effectively ignore certain configuration files in specific jars.
Build item that defines dependencies that should not be indexed.
Carries a predicate that identifies methods that can have annotations which affect the execution model (@Blocking, @NonBlocking, @RunOnVirtualThread).
Enum that specifies at what time generated bytecode should be run
The main executor for blocking tasks.
Utility class to load build steps, runtime recorders, and configuration roots from a given extension class.
Represents a feature provided by a core extension.
Represents functionality provided by an extension.
Callback for file system change events
The event object that is fired when a file system change is detected.
Watched file event types.
Forces classes that have been registered for reflection using weak semantics, to revert to normal reflection registration semantics.
Used when resources generated by the build should not end up in the produced runnable artifact, but in the file system inside the output directory of OutputTargetBuildItem.
Marker used only to ensure that the file system resources where properly written in dev mode.
A generated class that is only applicable to native images.
in favor of GlobUtil
Identifies a file from a reloadable module that, if modified, may result in a hot redeployment when in the dev mode.
Contains the set of IDEs that could be potentially linked to project based on the files present in the project
Contains the set of IDEs that are running as processes
Build item that defines dependencies that should be indexed.
This wrapper is used to index JDK classes on demand.
Represents an initialization task for the application.
A symbolic class that represents that an initialization task has been completed.
A Gizmo ClassOutput that is able to inject the bytecode directly into the classloader The ClassLoader passed to the constructor MUST contain a public visibleDefineClass method This ensures that generating proxies works in any JDK version
If present, will force the addition of the -H:+InlineBeforeAnalysis flag during native image build
A build item that provides the ability to detect if the current thread is an IO thread
boolean supplier that returns true if the application is running in development mode.
boolean supplier that returns true if the application is running in normal mode.
boolean supplier that returns true if the application is running in normal mode, but is not a remote dev client.
The main entry point for the local (developer side) of remote dev mode
The main entry point of quarkus:test
boolean supplier that returns true if the application is the local side of remote dev mode.
boolean supplier that returns true if the application is running in test mode.
A collection of Jandex utility methods.
This build step builds both the thin jars and uber jars.
Used to register a class for JNI runtime access.
JNI access registration fine-grained to single fields for a given class.
JNI access registration fine-grained to single methods for a given class.
A build item that indicates that a Java package should be exported using '-J--add-exports' option to become visible to native-image
This class is responsible for running a single run of JUnit tests.
Used to register a lambda capturing type in native mode
Indicates the type of launch.
marker build item that extensions can use to force legacy jar creation
A build item that can be used to query the live reload state.
In order for a Native image built app to be able to use localized names of e.g.
We activate additional resources in native-image executable only if user opts for anything else than what is already the system default.
Establish the default log level of a log category.
Declare that a log filter should be applied to the specified loggerName, provided the message starts with messageStart.
The log console format build item.
The log file format build item.
A build item for adding additional logging handlers.
The syslog format build item.
A map container.
A metrics provider will iterate over all MetricsFactory consumers, allowing them to register metrics via bytecode recording
A build item for adding additional named logging handlers.
Supplier that can be used to only run build steps in the native build.
Supported Builder Image providers/distributions
Do not use directly: use instead.
Register a JVM module to be enabled via GraalVM's --add-modules argument.
Represents a GraalVM Feature to be passed to native-image through the --features options.
A build item that represents a Proxy definition that will be required in native mode.
A build item that indicates that a static resource should be included in the native image
Indicates that a resource bundle should be included in the native image
A build item that indicates that directory resources should be included in the native image
A build item that indicates that a set of resource paths defined by regular expression patterns or globs should be included in the native image.
The resolved factory for the native image runner.
A build item that indicates that a security provider should be included in the native image using '-H:AdditionalSecurityProviders' option
A jar that is build to run the native image
A system property that will be set at native image build time
A build item that indicates the minimal acceptable JDK version the native-image tool was bundled with.
Supplier that can be used to only run build steps in the native or native sources builds.
Supplier that can be used to only run build steps in the native sources build.
A segment of code generation which produces the necessary instructions to load the given object.
Used to capture object substitution information for non-serializable classes.
Holder to keep type info around for compiler.
The location that output artifacts should be created in TODO: should we just create them in temp directories, and leave it up to the integration to move them where they want?
Indicate that the given produced item is produced only if no other steps produce that item.
Build item that extensions must create to register a package type.
Verifies that the requested package type can actually be produced
This is used currently only to suppress warnings about unknown properties when the user supplies something like: TODO refactor code to actually use these values
Class to be preloaded in static initialization phase of Quarkus.
Extension build steps can produce this if preloading classes is enabled.
Generates a build chain builder which creates a build step producing the ProcessInheritIODisabled build item
A build item, which indicates that the ProcessBuilder.inheritIO() will not work for processes launched by build steps and instead the build step will have to explicitly stream the newly launched process' STDOUT/STDERR, if the data generated on the STDOUT/STDERR of the launched process needs to be made available
Generates a build chain builder which creates a build step producing the ProcessInheritIODisabledBuildItem build item
Utility for Process related operations
Declare that this step comes before the given build items are consumed.
The repeatable holder for Produce.
Declare that this step comes before the given build items are consumed, but using weak semantics.
The repeatable holder for ProduceWeak.
Basic configuration needed to generate a proxy of a class.
A factory that can generate proxies of a class.
A subclass of ClassVisitor that allows carrying around data that are useful in the context of Quarkus bytecode transformations.
ClassWriter which tries to get around ClassNotFoundExceptions related to reflection usage in getCommonSuperClass.
Class that handles compilation of source files
A build item that represents the raw command line arguments as they were passed to the application.
Indicates that this BuildStep method will also output recorded bytecode.
Indicates that the given class should be instantiated with the constructor with the most parameters when the object is bytecode recorded.
An injectable utility class that contains methods that can be needed for dealing with recorders.
writes a list of all reflective classes to META-INF, if the quarkus.debug.reflection system property is set
Used to register a class for reflection in native mode
Used to define a condition to register a class for reflection in native mode only when a specific type is reachable
Used by io.quarkus.deployment.steps.ReflectiveHierarchyStep to determine whether the final fields of the class should be writable (which they aren't by default) If any one of the predicates returns true for a class, then ReflectiveHierarchyStep uses that true value
Attempts to register a complete type hierarchy for reflection.
Used by ReflectiveHierarchyStep to ignore reflection warning deliberately
This reloadable file manager handle the class-paths and file locations of separated file manager instances.
A class loader that combines multiple class loaders into one.
The classes loaded by this class loader are associated with this class loader, i.e.
Represents resources to be removed from a dependency when packaging the application.
Build Item that can be used to queue shutdown tasks that are run when the runtime application shuts down.
Provides a way to register a ConfigBuilder in RUNTIME.
Marker used by Build Steps that consume runtime configuration to ensure that they run after the runtime config has been set up.
A build item which specifies a configuration default value for run time, which is used to establish a default other than the one given for ConfigItem.defaultValue().
A build item that carries all the "fake" run time config objects for use by recorders.
A class that will be initialized at runtime in native mode.
A package that will be initialized at runtime in native mode.
A class that will be reinitialized at runtime in native mode.
Represents a Service Provider registration.
A symbolic class that represents a service start.
A marker build item to make Quarkus set the java.class.path system property.
option completer that takes a simple set of possible values
A build item that can be used to register shutdown tasks in runtime recorders.
Configure the various optimization to use SnapStart
Allows extensions to set a default value for enabling SnapStart.
Marker item to specify that SnapStart is enabled.
A processor handling the various AWS SnapStart optimizations.
special filter that can be used to compress log messages to a status line
This static file manager handle the class-paths and file locations of a single manager instance.
Provides a way to register a ConfigBuilder in STATIC INIT.
A build item for adding the dev stream log via mutiny.
Used to suppress forbidden-apis errors inside for the element it's added to.
Allows extensions to suppress the runtime warning that Quarkus emits on startup when a non-runtime configuration option is different at runtime than build time.
Represents a system property that will be set immediately on application startup.
This is an optional build item that allows us to track annotations that will define test classes.
This is an optional build item that allows us to track additional test classes that will become beans.
This is an optional build item that allows extensions to distinguish test classes from application classes.
This is used currently only to suppress warnings about unknown properties when the user supplies something like: -Dquarkus.test.profile=someProfile or -Dquarkus.test.native-image-profile=someProfile
This is an optional build item that represents the current test profile.
Virtual build item that is used to signify that a step must be run to set up continuous testing
processor that instruments test and application classes to trace the code path that is in use during a test run.
The results of applying bytecode transformation to a class.
Ignore resources when building an Uber Jar
Merge duplicate resources from multiple JARs when building an Uber Jar
marker build item that extensions can use to force uber jar creation
Native-image might not be supported for a particular extension on a given OS or architecture.
A marker build item that is used to indicate that UPX compression was performed
Common URI path resolution
File system watcher service based on JDK7 WatchService.
Indicate that the given produced item is produced only weakly.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use WebJarBuildItem and WebJarResultsBuildItem instead.