Class LiveReloadConfig

    • Field Detail

      • instrumentation

        boolean instrumentation
        Whether Quarkus should enable its ability to not do a full restart when changes to classes are compatible with JVM instrumentation. If this is set to true, Quarkus will perform class redefinition when possible.
      • watchedResources

        public Optional<List<String>> watchedResources
        The names of additional resource files to watch for changes, triggering a reload on change. Directories are not supported.
      • retryInterval

        public Duration retryInterval
        The amount of time to wait between attempts when connecting to the server side of remote dev
      • retryMaxAttempts

        public Integer retryMaxAttempts
        The maximum number of attempts when connecting to the server side of remote dev
    • Constructor Detail

      • LiveReloadConfig

        public LiveReloadConfig()