Class LocalesBuildTimeConfig

    • Field Detail

      • locales

                    defaultValueDocumentation="Set containing the build system locale")
        public Set<Locale> locales
        The set of supported locales that can be consumed by the extensions.

        The locales must be specified in the IETF BCP 47 format e.g. en-US or fr-FR.

        For instance, the Hibernate Validator extension makes use of it.

        Native-image build uses it to define additional locales that are supposed to be available at runtime.

      • defaultLocale

                    defaultValueDocumentation="Build system locale")
        public Locale defaultLocale
        Default locale that can be consumed by the extensions.

        The locale must be specified in the IETF BCP 47 format e.g. en-US or fr-FR.

        For instance, the Hibernate Validator extension makes use of it.

        Native-image build uses this property to derive user.language and for the application's runtime.

    • Constructor Detail

      • LocalesBuildTimeConfig

        public LocalesBuildTimeConfig()