Class ConsoleConfig

  • public class ConsoleConfig
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • format

        @ConfigItem(defaultValue="%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c{3.}] (%t) %s%e%n")
        String format
        The log format. Note that this value is ignored if an extension is present that takes control of console formatting (e.g., an XML or JSON-format extension).
      • color

        public Optional<Boolean> color
        If the console logging should be in color. If undefined, Quarkus takes best guess based on the operating system and environment. Note that this value is ignored if an extension is present that takes control of console formatting (e.g., an XML or JSON-format extension).

        This has been deprecated and replaced with quarkus.console.color, as Quarkus now provides more console-based functionality than just logging.

      • darken

        int darken
        Specify how much the colors should be darkened. Note that this value is ignored if an extension is present that takes control of console formatting (e.g., an XML or JSON-format extension).
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConsoleConfig

        public ConsoleConfig()