All Classes and Interfaces

Convenience helper to generate the SmallRyeConfigBuilderCustomizer bytecode, by wrapping methods that require varargs or collections as parameters.
An enum that has multiple possible textual representations.
The application base class, which is extended and implemented by a generated class which implements the application setup logic.
Manages the lifecycle of a Quarkus application.
A helper class to produce a right-sized array list.
Detects if AWT extension is present on the classpath of the application.
Exception that is thrown when a blocking operation is performed on the IO thread.
Build time analytics configuration.
This configuration class is here to avoid warnings when using -Dquarkus.builder.=....
A converter which converts a Charset string into an instance of Charset.
A converter which converts a CIDR address into an instance of CidrAddress.
A qualifier that can be used to inject the command line arguments.
This configuration class is here to avoid warnings when using -Dquarkus.args=....
Provides a way to customize the SmallRyeConfig used by Quarkus.
We don't really use this, because these are configurations for the config itself, so it causes a chicken / egg problem, but we need it for documentation purposes.
Utility methods to log configuration problems.
Specifies a default value for the documentation.
A way to explicitly customize the string displayed in the documentation when listing accepted values for an enum.
Specifies the file name where quarkus-extension-processor will output the documentation in AsciiDoc format.
A marker indicating that the configuration method should be ignored when generating documentation.
A marker indicating a user-friendly documentation key for the Map type.
A marker indicating that the configuration item ConfigItem should be generated as a section.
Indicates that a given class can be injected as a configuration object.
Utility class for manually instantiating a config object
A single container configuration item.
Indicate that the given item is a configuration root.
An exception indicating that a configuration failure has occurred.
This small utility class holds constants relevant to configuration converters.
Defines a Converter to be used for conversion of a config property.
Indicates that a config item should be converted using a default converter: built-in/implicit converters or a custom converter.
A signal handler that prints diagnostic thread info to standard output.
This class serves for passing a list of disabled REST paths (via the `@EndpointDisabled` annotation) so that an OpenAPI filter can omit them from the generated OpenAPI document.
Disables logging during the analysis phase
A converter for a Duration interface.
The runtime execution mode.
The @Generated annotation is used to mark source code that has been generated during the gRPC generation phase.
A helper class to produce a right-sized hash set.
A converter for hyphenated enums.
Indicates that a field or method should not be considered when attempting to construct a recorded object.
The image execution mode of the application.
A converter which produces values of type InetAddress.
A converter which converts a socket address in the form of <host-or-address>[:<port>] into an instance of InetSocketAddress.
A level that may be inheritable.
A Recorder that is used to check if the application should exit once all initialization tasks are completed.
A simple converter for logging levels.
A converter to support locales.
Copy of BasicLogger.
Factory that allows for the creation of Filter classes annotated with LoggingFilter.
The default implementation used when no other implementation is found.
Makes the filter class known to Quarkus by the specified name.
Measures the number of log messages based on logger configurations quarkus.log.level and quarkus.log.category.*.level
A type representing data sizes.
A converter to support data sizes.
Extensions can create or register metrics using this factory independent of the enabled metrics provider
A time recorder that tracks elapsed time using incremental updates using a duration with a specified time unit.
Registry type or scope.
Usually, QuarkusMock mocking replaces a "delegating instance" of a client proxy.
Native image system properties are not automatically propagated to runtime anymore.
A converter to normalize paths that are considered root of something.
An interface that can be used to substitute a non-bytecode serializable class with a replacement.
A converter for a Path interface.
When this exception is thrown from a runtime init recorder method, then no other recorder steps will be executed and the application will be terminated.
Class that is responsible for resolving the current profile As this is needed immediately after startup it does not use any of the usual build/config infrastructure.
The entry point for applications that use a main method.
This is usually used for command mode applications with a startup logic.
An exception that is meant to stand in for BindException and provide information about the target which caused the bind exception.
The simple Quarkus implementation of SmallRyeConfigFactory.
The default main class of a Quarkus application.
Indicates that this constructor should be used to construct the recorded object.
Indicates that the given type is a recorder that is used to record actions to be executed at runtime.
A converter to support regular expressions.
Annotation that can be used to force a class to be registered for reflection in native image mode
Indicates that a given recorded parameter should have relaxed validation.
The initial configuration for Runtime.
Config source that is used to handle
Represents a proxyable object that can be returned from a bytecode recorder, and passed between recorders.
This annotation is used to mark a business method of a CDI bean that should be executed during application shutdown.
A context that can be passed into runtime recorders that allows for shutdown tasks to be added.
Event that is fired before shutdown and can be inspected for shutdown cause.
An enum with values reflecting the reason for application shutdown.
A listener that can be registered to control the shutdown process and implement graceful shutdown.
Stores the optimizations to execute for SnapStart.
This annotation can be used to initialize a CDI bean at application startup: If a bean class is annotated then a contextual instance is created and the PostConstruct callbacks are invoked. If a producer method is annotated then a contextual instance is created, i.e.
Event class that is fired on startup.
A task that is run on startup.
The initial configuration for Static Init.
Used to mark a configuration object as safe to be initialized during the STATIC INIT phase.
This predicate can be used to distinguish application classes in the test mode.
Interface that can be used to integrate with the TestHTTPEndpoint infrastructure
The core thread pool config.
Configuration class allowing to globally set TLS properties.
A converter to support ZoneId.