Class ShutdownEvent


public class ShutdownEvent extends jakarta.enterprise.event.Shutdown
Event that is fired before shutdown and can be inspected for shutdown cause. See isStandardShutdown() This event is observed as follows:
     void onStop(@Observes ShutdownEvent ev) {"The application is stopping...");
The annotated method can access other injected beans.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • isStandardShutdown

      public boolean isStandardShutdown()
      Returns true if the application shutdown is considered standard; i.e. by exiting main() method or executing either Quarkus.asyncExit() or Quarkus.blockingExit().

      All other cases are non-standard - SIGINT, SIGTERM, System.exit(n and so on. Sending CTRL + C to running app in terminal is also non-standard shutdown.

      true if the app shutdown was standard, false otherwise