Package io.quarkus.runtime.annotations

package io.quarkus.runtime.annotations
  • Class
    A qualifier that can be used to inject the command line arguments.
    Specifies a default value for the documentation.
    A way to explicitly customize the string displayed in the documentation when listing accepted values for an enum.
    Specifies the file name where quarkus-extension-processor will output the documentation in AsciiDoc format.
    A marker indicating that the configuration method should be ignored when generating documentation.
    A marker indicating a user-friendly documentation key for the Map type.
    A marker indicating that the configuration item ConfigItem should be generated as a section.
    Indicates that a given class can be injected as a configuration object.
    A single container configuration item.
    Indicate that the given item is a configuration root.
    Defines a Converter to be used for conversion of a config property.
    Indicates that a config item should be converted using a default converter: built-in/implicit converters or a custom converter.
    Indicates that a field or method should not be considered when attempting to construct a recorded object.
    The default main class of a Quarkus application.
    Indicates that this constructor should be used to construct the recorded object.
    Indicates that the given type is a recorder that is used to record actions to be executed at runtime.
    Annotation that can be used to force a class to be registered for reflection in native image mode.
    Indicates that a given recorded parameter should have relaxed validation.
    Used to mark a configuration object as safe to be initialized during the STATIC INIT phase.