Class BcryptUtil

  • public class BcryptUtil
    extends Object
    Utility class used to produce bcrypt hashes using the Modular Crypt Format.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BcryptUtil

        public BcryptUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • bcryptHash

        public static String bcryptHash​(String password)
        Produces a Modular Crypt Format bcrypt hash of the given password, using a generated salt and 10 iterations.
        password - the password to hash
        the Modular Crypt Format bcrypt hash of the given password
        NullPointerException - if the password is null
      • bcryptHash

        public static String bcryptHash​(String password,
                                        int iterationCount)
        Produces a Modular Crypt Format bcrypt hash of the given password, using a generated salt and the specified iteration count.
        password - the password to hash
        iterationCount - the number of iterations to use while hashing
        the Modular Crypt Format bcrypt hash of the given password
        NullPointerException - if the password is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if the iterationCount parameter is negative or zero
      • bcryptHash

        public static String bcryptHash​(String password,
                                        int iterationCount,
                                        byte[] salt)
        Produces a Modular Crypt Format bcrypt hash of the given password, using the specified salt and the specified iteration count.
        password - the password to hash
        iterationCount - the number of iterations to use while hashing
        salt - the salt to use while hashing
        the Modular Crypt Format bcrypt hash of the given password
        NullPointerException - if the password or salt are null
        IllegalArgumentException - if the iterationCount parameter is negative or zero, or if the salt length is not equal to 16
      • matches

        public static boolean matches​(String plainText,
                                      String passwordHash)
        Matches a plain text string against an existing Modular Crypt Format bcrypt hash
        plainText - the plain text string to check
        passwordHash - the Modular Crypt Format bcrypt hash to compare against
        the boolean result of whether or not the plain text matches the decoded Modular Crypt Format bcrypt hash
        NullPointerException - if the plainText password or passwordHash is null