Interface HibernateOrmRuntimeConfigPersistenceUnit.HibernateOrmConfigPersistenceUnitDatabaseGeneration

Enclosing interface:

public static interface HibernateOrmRuntimeConfigPersistenceUnit.HibernateOrmConfigPersistenceUnitDatabaseGeneration
  • Method Details

    • generation

      Select whether the database schema is generated or not. `drop-and-create` is awesome in development mode. This defaults to 'none', however if Dev Services is in use and no other extensions that manage the schema are present this will default to 'drop-and-create'. Accepted values: `none`, `create`, `drop-and-create`, `drop`, `update`, `validate`.
    • createSchemas

      @WithDefault("false") boolean createSchemas()
      If Hibernate ORM should create the schemas automatically (for databases supporting them).
    • haltOnError

      @WithDefault("false") boolean haltOnError()
      Whether we should stop on the first error when applying the schema.