Class HibernateOrmRuntimeConfigPersistenceUnit


public class HibernateOrmRuntimeConfigPersistenceUnit extends Object
  • Field Details

    • active

      @ConfigItem(defaultValueDocumentation="\'true\' if Hibernate ORM is enabled; \'false\' otherwise") public Optional<Boolean> active
      Whether this persistence unit should be active at runtime. See xref:hibernate-orm.adoc#persistence-unit-active[this section of the documentation]. If the persistence unit is not active, it won't start with the application, and accessing the corresponding EntityManagerFactory/EntityManager or SessionFactory/Session will not be possible. Note that if Hibernate ORM is disabled (i.e. `quarkus.hibernate-orm.enabled` is set to `false`), all persistence units are deactivated, and setting this property to `true` will fail.
    • database

      Database related configuration.
    • scripts

      Database scripts related configuration.
    • log

      Logging configuration.
    • unsupportedProperties

      @ConfigItem @ConfigDocMapKey("full-property-key") public Map<String,String> unsupportedProperties
      Properties that should be passed on directly to Hibernate ORM. Use the full configuration property key here, for instance `quarkus.hibernate-orm.unsupported-properties."hibernate.order_inserts" = true`. [WARNING] ==== Properties set here are completely unsupported: as Quarkus doesn't generally know about these properties and their purpose, there is absolutely no guarantee that they will work correctly, and even if they do, that may change when upgrading to a newer version of Quarkus (even just a micro/patch version). ==== Consider using a supported configuration property before falling back to unsupported ones. If none exists, make sure to file a feature request so that a supported configuration property can be added to Quarkus, and more importantly so that the configuration property is tested regularly.
  • Constructor Details

    • HibernateOrmRuntimeConfigPersistenceUnit

      public HibernateOrmRuntimeConfigPersistenceUnit()
  • Method Details

    • isAnyPropertySet

      public boolean isAnyPropertySet()