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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


acceptCaseInsensitiveEnums - Variable in class io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.JacksonBuildTimeConfig
If enabled, Jackson will ignore case during Enum deserialization.


compareTo(ObjectMapperCustomizer) - Method in interface io.quarkus.jackson.ObjectMapperCustomizer
configuredNamingStrategy() - Method in interface io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.JacksonSupport
customize(ObjectMapper) - Method in interface io.quarkus.jackson.ObjectMapperCustomizer
customize(ObjectMapper) - Method in class io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.VertxHybridPoolObjectMapperCustomizer
customizerSupplier(Map<Class<?>, Class<?>>) - Method in class io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.MixinsRecorder


DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface io.quarkus.jackson.ObjectMapperCustomizer


failOnEmptyBeans - Variable in class io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.JacksonBuildTimeConfig
If enabled, Jackson will fail when no accessors are found for a type.
failOnUnknownProperties - Variable in class io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.JacksonBuildTimeConfig
If enabled, Jackson will fail when encountering unknown properties.


io.quarkus.jackson - package io.quarkus.jackson
io.quarkus.jackson.runtime - package io.quarkus.jackson.runtime


JacksonBuildTimeConfig - Class in io.quarkus.jackson.runtime
JacksonBuildTimeConfig() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.JacksonBuildTimeConfig
JacksonMixin - Annotation Interface in io.quarkus.jackson
Used on classes that are meant to be used as Jackson mixins.
JacksonSupport - Interface in io.quarkus.jackson.runtime
JacksonSupportRecorder - Class in io.quarkus.jackson.runtime
JacksonSupportRecorder() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.JacksonSupportRecorder


MINIMUM_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface io.quarkus.jackson.ObjectMapperCustomizer
MixinsRecorder - Class in io.quarkus.jackson.runtime
MixinsRecorder() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.MixinsRecorder


objectMapper(List<ObjectMapperCustomizer>, JacksonBuildTimeConfig, JacksonSupport) - Method in class io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.ObjectMapperProducer
ObjectMapperCustomizer - Interface in io.quarkus.jackson
Meant to be implemented by a CDI bean that provides arbitrary customization for the default ObjectMapper.
ObjectMapperProducer - Class in io.quarkus.jackson.runtime
ObjectMapperProducer() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.ObjectMapperProducer


priority() - Method in interface io.quarkus.jackson.ObjectMapperCustomizer
Defines the priority that the customizers are applied.
propertyNamingStrategy - Variable in class io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.JacksonBuildTimeConfig
Defines how names of JSON properties ("external names") are derived from names of POJO methods and fields ("internal names").


QUARKUS_CUSTOMIZER_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface io.quarkus.jackson.ObjectMapperCustomizer


serializationInclusion - Variable in class io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.JacksonBuildTimeConfig
Define which properties of Java Beans are to be included in serialization.
supplier(Optional<String>) - Method in class io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.JacksonSupportRecorder


timezone - Variable in class io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.JacksonBuildTimeConfig
If set, Jackson will default to using the specified timezone when formatting dates.


value() - Element in annotation interface io.quarkus.jackson.JacksonMixin
The types for which the mixin should apply to.
VertxHybridPoolObjectMapperCustomizer - Class in io.quarkus.jackson.runtime
VertxHybridPoolObjectMapperCustomizer() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.VertxHybridPoolObjectMapperCustomizer


writeDatesAsTimestamps - Variable in class io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.JacksonBuildTimeConfig
If enabled, Jackson will serialize dates as numeric value(s).
writeDurationsAsTimestamps - Variable in class io.quarkus.jackson.runtime.JacksonBuildTimeConfig
If enabled, Jackson will serialize durations as numeric value(s).
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values