Class JacksonBuildTimeConfig


@ConfigRoot(phase=BUILD_AND_RUN_TIME_FIXED) public class JacksonBuildTimeConfig extends Object
  • Field Details

    • failOnUnknownProperties

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="false") public boolean failOnUnknownProperties
      If enabled, Jackson will fail when encountering unknown properties.

      You can still override it locally with @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = false).

    • failOnEmptyBeans

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="true") public boolean failOnEmptyBeans
      If enabled, Jackson will fail when no accessors are found for a type. This is enabled by default to match the default Jackson behavior.
    • writeDatesAsTimestamps

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="false") public boolean writeDatesAsTimestamps
      If enabled, Jackson will serialize dates as numeric value(s). When disabled, they are serialized in ISO 8601 format.
    • writeDurationsAsTimestamps

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="true") public boolean writeDurationsAsTimestamps
      If enabled, Jackson will serialize durations as numeric value(s). When disabled, they are serialized in ISO 8601 format. This is enabled by default to match the default Jackson behavior.
    • acceptCaseInsensitiveEnums

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="false") public boolean acceptCaseInsensitiveEnums
      If enabled, Jackson will ignore case during Enum deserialization.
    • timezone

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="UTC") public Optional<ZoneId> timezone
      If set, Jackson will default to using the specified timezone when formatting dates. Some examples values are "Asia/Jakarta" and "GMT+3". If not set, Jackson will use its own default.
    • serializationInclusion

      @ConfigItem public Optional<com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include> serializationInclusion
      Define which properties of Java Beans are to be included in serialization.
    • propertyNamingStrategy

      @ConfigItem public Optional<String> propertyNamingStrategy
      Defines how names of JSON properties ("external names") are derived from names of POJO methods and fields ("internal names"). The value can be one of the one of the constants in PropertyNamingStrategies, so for example, LOWER_CAMEL_CASE or UPPER_CAMEL_CASE. The value can also be a fully qualified class name of a PropertyNamingStrategy subclass.
  • Constructor Details

    • JacksonBuildTimeConfig

      public JacksonBuildTimeConfig()