All Classes and Interfaces

A (global) JUnit callback that enables/sets up basic logging if logging has not already been set up.
This is a general utility to assert via unit testing which classes have been included in a native-image.
A custom List converter that always uses ArrayList for unmarshalling.
A custom Map converter that always uses HashMap for unmarshalling.
A custom Map.Entry converter that always uses AbstractMap.SimpleEntry for unmarshalling.
A custom Set converter that always uses HashSet for unmarshalling.
Strategy to deep clone an object Used in order to clone an object loaded from one ClassLoader into another
@DisabledOnIntegrationTest is used to signal that the annotated test class or test method should not be executed for as part of a QuarkusIntegrationTest.
Used to signal that a test class or method should be disabled if the version of GraalVM used to build the native binary under test was older than the supplied version.
Used to signal that a test class or method should be disabled if the version of GraalVM used to build the native binary under test was older than the supplied version.
Annotation for QuarkusMainTest and QuarkusMainIntegrationTest that is used to launch command line applications.
Contains information about a run (via Launch or QuarkusMainLauncher) of a command line application.
This is a general utility to assert via unit testing how many classes, methods, objects etc.
Annotation that indicates that this test should be run the result of the Quarkus build.
Use DevServicesContext instead.
Annotation that indicates that this test should be run on the result of the Quarkus build.
This interface is meant to be used on test methods as a method parameter.
Annotation that indicates that this test should run the Quarkus main method inside the current JVM.
Utility class that can be used to mock CDI normal scoped beans.
Can be implemented by classes that shall be called after all test methods in a @QuarkusTest have been run.
Implementations are called after JUnit constructs the test instance.
Can be implemented by classes that shall be called after each test method in a @QuarkusTest.
Can be implemented by classes that shall be called immediately after a test method in a @QuarkusTest.
Can be implemented by classes that shall be called once for each @QuarkusTest class before any test methods are executed.
Can be implemented by classes that shall be called before each test method in a @QuarkusTest.
Can be implemented by classes that shall be called right before a test method in a @QuarkusTest.
Context object passed to QuarkusTestAfterAllCallback
Defines a 'test profile'.
A ClassOrderer that orders QuarkusTest, QuarkusIntegrationTest and QuarkusMainTest classes for minimum Quarkus restarts by grouping them by their TestProfile and QuarkusTestResource annotation(s).
Cloning strategy that just serializes and deserializes using plain old java serialization.
Cloning strategy delegating to SerializationDeepClone, falling back to XStreamDeepClone in case of error.
Implementation of this class have the ability to add build items
Defines a 'test profile'.
This callback verifies that @io.quarkus.test.InjectMock is not declared on a field of a @QuarkusTest unless the quarkus-junit5-mockito is present.
Super simple cloning strategy that just serializes to XML and deserializes it using xstream