Class KeycloakPolicyEnforcerTenantConfig.KeycloakConfigPolicyEnforcer

    • Field Detail

      • enforcementMode

        public org.keycloak.representations.adapters.config.PolicyEnforcerConfig.EnforcementMode enforcementMode
        Specifies how policies are enforced.
      • lazyLoadPaths

        public boolean lazyLoadPaths
        Specifies how the adapter should fetch the server for resources associated with paths in your application. If true, the policy enforcer is going to fetch resources on-demand accordingly with the path being requested
      • httpMethodAsScope

        public boolean httpMethodAsScope
        Specifies how scopes should be mapped to HTTP methods. If set to true, the policy enforcer will use the HTTP method from the current request to check whether or not access should be granted
    • Constructor Detail

      • KeycloakConfigPolicyEnforcer

        public KeycloakConfigPolicyEnforcer()