Class KeycloakPolicyEnforcerTenantConfig.KeycloakConfigPolicyEnforcer.PathConfig

Enclosing class:

public static class KeycloakPolicyEnforcerTenantConfig.KeycloakConfigPolicyEnforcer.PathConfig extends Object
  • Field Details

    • name

      @ConfigItem public Optional<String> name
      The name of a resource on the server that is to be associated with a given path
    • path

      @ConfigItem public Optional<String> path
      A URI relative to the application’s context path that should be protected by the policy enforcer
    • methods

      The HTTP methods (for example, GET, POST, PATCH) to protect and how they are associated with the scopes for a given resource in the server
    • enforcementMode

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="enforcing") public org.keycloak.representations.adapters.config.PolicyEnforcerConfig.EnforcementMode enforcementMode
      Specifies how policies are enforced
    • claimInformationPoint

      Defines a set of one or more claims that must be resolved and pushed to the Keycloak server in order to make these claims available to policies
  • Constructor Details

    • PathConfig

      public PathConfig()