Class TrustStoreConfig

  • public class TrustStoreConfig
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • password

        Optional<String> password
        Sets the trust store password if any. Note that the password is only used for JKS and PCK#12 trust stores.
      • paths

        Optional<List<String>> paths
        Sets the location of the trust store files. If you use JKS or PCK#12, only one path is allowed. If you use PEM files, you can specify multiple paths.

        The relative paths are relative to the application working directly.

      • type

        Optional<String> type
        Sets the trust store type. By default, it guesses the type from the file name extension. For instance, truststore.pem will be seen as a PEM file, while truststore.jks will be seen as a JKS file. truststore.p12 and truststore.pfx will both be seen as PCK#12 files. Accepted values are: JKS, PEM, PCKS.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TrustStoreConfig

        public TrustStoreConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • isConfigured

        public boolean isConfigured()
        true is the trust store is configured, false otherwise