Class MailerRuntimeConfig

  • public class MailerRuntimeConfig
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • from

        public Optional<String> from
        Sets the default `from` attribute when not specified in the Mail instance. It's the sender email address.
      • mock

        public Optional<Boolean> mock
        Enables the mock mode. When enabled, mails are not sent, but stored in an in-memory mailbox. The content of the emails is also printed on the console.

        Disabled by default on PROD, enabled by default on DEV and TEST modes.

      • bounceAddress

        public Optional<String> bounceAddress
        Sets the default bounce email address. A bounced email, or bounce, is an email message that gets rejected by a mail server.
      • host

        public String host
        Sets the SMTP host name.
      • port

        public OptionalInt port
        The SMTP port. The default value depends on the configuration. The port 25 is used as default when ssl is disabled. This port continues to be used primarily for SMTP relaying. SMTP relaying is the transmission of email from email server to email server. The port 587 is the default port when ssl is enabled. It ensures that email is submitted securely. Note that the port 465 may be used by SMTP servers, however, IANA has reassigned a new service to this port, and it should no longer be used for SMTP communications.
      • username

        public Optional<String> username
        Sets the username to connect to the SMTP server.
      • password

        public Optional<String> password
        Sets the password to connect to the SMTP server.
      • ssl

        public boolean ssl
        Enables or disables the TLS/SSL.
      • trustAll

        public Optional<Boolean> trustAll
        Set whether all server certificates should be trusted. This option is only used when ssl is enabled.
      • maxPoolSize

        public int maxPoolSize
        Sets the max number of open connections to the mail server.
      • ownHostName

        public Optional<String> ownHostName
        Sets the hostname to be used for HELO/EHLO and the Message-ID.
      • keepAlive

        public boolean keepAlive
        Sets if connection pool is enabled. If the connection pooling is disabled, the max number of sockets is enforced nevertheless.
      • disableEsmtp

        public boolean disableEsmtp
        Disable ESMTP. The RFC-1869 states that clients should always attempt EHLO as first command to determine if ESMTP is supported, if this returns an error code, HELO is tried to use the regular SMTP command.
      • startTLS

        public String startTLS
        Sets the TLS security mode for the connection. Either DISABLED, OPTIONAL or REQUIRED.
      • login

        public String login
        Sets the login mode for the connection. Either NONE, @{code DISABLED}, OPTIONAL, REQUIRED or XOAUTH2.
        • DISABLED means no login will be attempted
        • NONE means a login will be attempted if the server supports in and login credentials are set
        • REQUIRED means that a login will be attempted if the server supports it and the send operation will fail otherwise
        • XOAUTH2 means that a login will be attempted using Google Gmail Oauth2 tokens
      • authMethods

        public Optional<String> authMethods
        Sets the allowed authentication methods. These methods will be used only if the server supports them. If not set, all supported methods may be used. The list is given as a space separated list, such as DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-SHA256 CRAM-SHA1 CRAM-MD5 PLAIN LOGIN.
      • truststore

        public TrustStoreConfig truststore
        Configures the trust store.
      • multiPartOnly

        public boolean multiPartOnly
        Whether the mail should always been sent as multipart even if they don't have attachments. When sets to true, the mail message will be encoded as multipart even for simple mails without attachments.
      • allowRcptErrors

        public boolean allowRcptErrors
        Sets if sending allows recipients errors. If set to true, the mail will be sent to the recipients that the server accepted, if any.
      • pipelining

        public boolean pipelining
        Enables or disables the pipelining capability if the SMTP server supports it.
      • poolCleanerPeriod

        public Duration poolCleanerPeriod
        Sets the connection pool cleaner period. Zero disables expiration checks and connections will remain in the pool until they are closed.
      • keepAliveTimeout

        public Duration keepAliveTimeout
        Set the keep alive timeout for the SMTP connection. This value determines how long a connection remains unused in the pool before being evicted and closed. A timeout of 0 means there is no timeout.
      • ntlm

        public NtlmConfig ntlm
        Configures NTLM (Windows New Technology LAN Manager).
    • Constructor Detail

      • MailerRuntimeConfig

        public MailerRuntimeConfig()