Class MongodbConfig

    • Field Detail

      • mongoClientConfigs

        public Map<String,​MongoClientConfig> mongoClientConfigs
        Configures additional mongo client connections.

        each cluster have a unique identifier witch must be identified to select the right connection. example:

         quarkus.mongodb.cluster1.connection-string = mongodb://mongo1:27017
         quarkus.mongodb.cluster2.connection-string = mongodb://mongo2:27017,mongodb://mongo3:27017

        And then use annotations above the instances of MongoClient to indicate which instance we are going to use

         ReactiveMongoClient mongoClientCluster1
      • useVertxDnsResolverInNativeMode

        public boolean useVertxDnsResolverInNativeMode
        The default DNS resolver used to handle mongo+srv:// urls cannot be used in a native executable. This option enables a fallback to use Vert.x to resolve the server names instead of JNDI. IMPORTANT: The resolution may be different in JVM mode using the default (JNDI-based) DNS resolver, and in native mode. This feature is experimental.
      • dnsServerInNativeMode

        public Optional<String> dnsServerInNativeMode
        If native.dns.use-vertx-dns-resolver is set to true, this property configures the DNS server. If the server is not set, it tries to read the first nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf (if the file exists), otherwise fallback to the default.
      • dnsServerPortInNativeMode

        public OptionalInt dnsServerPortInNativeMode
        If native.dns.use-vertx-dns-resolver is set to true, this property configures the DNS server port. If not set, uses the system DNS resolver.
      • dnsLookupTimeoutInNativeMode

        public Duration dnsLookupTimeoutInNativeMode
        If native.dns.use-vertx-dns-resolver is set to true, this property configures the DNS lookup timeout duration.
      • dnsLookupLogActivityInNativeMode

        public Optional<Boolean> dnsLookupLogActivityInNativeMode
        If native.dns.use-vertx-dns-resolver is set to true, this property enables the logging ot the DNS lookup. It can be useful to understand why the lookup fails.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MongodbConfig

        public MongodbConfig()