All Classes and Interfaces

Configures the aggregate streams.
Configures the Change Stream
Options to configure the stream of database.
Configures the credentials and authentication mechanism to connect to the MongoDB server.
Options to configure the stream of database.
Stream options for find.
Map Reduce options.
Interface implemented by CDI beans that want to customize the Mongo client configuration.
Marker annotation to select mongo connection of cluster configuration Use name parameter to select it For example, if a mongo connection is configured like so in
Helper to lazily create Mongo clients.
This class is sort of a producer for MongoClient and ReactiveMongoClient.
ServiceBindingConverter for MongoDB to support SBO (Service Binding Operator) in Quarkus.
A reactive Mongo client.
A reactive API to interact with a Mongo collection.
A reactive API to interact with a Mongo database.
Configures the write concern.