Annotation Interface AccessToken

@Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface AccessToken
When this annotation is added to a MicroProfile REST Client interface, the AccessTokenRequestFilter will be added to the request pipeline. The end result is that the request propagates the Bearer token present in the current active request or the token acquired from the Authorization Code Flow, as the HTTP Authorization header's Bearer scheme value.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Selects name of the configured OidcClient and activates token exchange for the annotated REST client.
  • Element Details

    • exchangeTokenClient

      String exchangeTokenClient
      Selects name of the configured OidcClient and activates token exchange for the annotated REST client. Please note that the default OidcClient's name is `Default`. You do not have to enable this attribute if you use the default OidcClient and already have either '' or '' property set to 'true'