Class OidcTenantConfig

    • Field Detail

      • tenantId

        public Optional<String> tenantId
        A unique tenant identifier. It must be set by TenantConfigResolver providers which resolve the tenant configuration dynamically and is optional in all other cases.
      • tenantEnabled

        public boolean tenantEnabled
        If this tenant configuration is enabled.
      • authorizationPath

        public Optional<String> authorizationPath
        Relative path of the OIDC authorization endpoint which authenticates the users. This property must be set for the 'web-app' applications if OIDC discovery is disabled. This property will be ignored if the discovery is enabled.
      • userInfoPath

        public Optional<String> userInfoPath
        Relative path of the OIDC userinfo endpoint. This property must only be set for the 'web-app' applications if OIDC discovery is disabled and 'authentication.user-info-required' property is enabled. This property will be ignored if the discovery is enabled.
      • introspectionPath

        public Optional<String> introspectionPath
        Relative path of the OIDC RFC7662 introspection endpoint which can introspect both opaque and JWT tokens. This property must be set if OIDC discovery is disabled and 1) the opaque bearer access tokens have to be verified or 2) JWT tokens have to be verified while the cached JWK verification set with no matching JWK is being refreshed. This property will be ignored if the discovery is enabled.
      • jwksPath

        public Optional<String> jwksPath
        Relative path of the OIDC JWKS endpoint which returns a JSON Web Key Verification Set. This property should be set if OIDC discovery is disabled and the local JWT verification is required. This property will be ignored if the discovery is enabled.
      • endSessionPath

        public Optional<String> endSessionPath
        Relative path of the OIDC end_session_endpoint. This property must be set if OIDC discovery is disabled and RP Initiated Logout support for the 'web-app' applications is required. This property will be ignored if the discovery is enabled.
      • publicKey

        public Optional<String> publicKey
        Public key for the local JWT token verification. OIDC server connection will not be created when this property is set.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OidcTenantConfig

        public OidcTenantConfig()