Class OidcTenantConfig.TokenStateManager

Enclosing class:

public static class OidcTenantConfig.TokenStateManager extends Object
Default Authorization Code token state manager configuration
  • Field Details

    • strategy

      Default TokenStateManager strategy.
    • splitTokens

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="false") public boolean splitTokens
      Default TokenStateManager keeps all tokens (ID, access and refresh) returned in the authorization code grant response in a single session cookie by default. Enable this property to minimize a session cookie size
    • encryptionRequired

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="true") public boolean encryptionRequired
      Mandates that the Default TokenStateManager encrypt the session cookie that stores the tokens.
    • encryptionSecret

      @ConfigItem public Optional<String> encryptionSecret
      The secret used by the Default TokenStateManager to encrypt the session cookie storing the tokens when encryptionRequired property is enabled.

      If this secret is not set, the client secret configured with either `quarkus.oidc.credentials.secret` or `quarkus.oidc.credentials.client-secret.value` is checked. Finally, `quarkus.oidc.credentials.jwt.secret` which can be used for `client_jwt_secret` authentication is checked. The secret is auto-generated if it remains uninitialized after checking all of these properties.

      The length of the secret used to encrypt the tokens should be at least 32 characters long. A warning is logged if the secret length is less than 16 characters.

    • encryptionAlgorithm

      Session cookie key encryption algorithm
  • Constructor Details

    • TokenStateManager

      public TokenStateManager()
  • Method Details