Interface TenantConfigResolver

  • public interface TenantConfigResolver

    A tenant resolver is responsible for resolving the OidcTenantConfig for tenants, dynamically.

    Instead of implementing a TenantResolver that maps the tenant configuration based on an identifier and its corresponding entry in the application configuration file, beans implementing this interface can dynamically construct the tenant configuration without having to define each tenant in the application configuration file.

    • Method Detail

      • resolve

        io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<OidcTenantConfig> resolve​(io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext routingContext,
                                                         OidcRequestContext<OidcTenantConfig> requestContext)
        Returns a OidcTenantConfig given a RoutingContext.
        requestContext - the routing context
        the tenant configuration. If the uni resolves to null, indicates that the default configuration/tenant should be chosen