Class OidcTenantConfig.Jwks

Enclosing class:

public static class OidcTenantConfig.Jwks extends Object
  • Field Details

    • resolveEarly

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="true") public boolean resolveEarly
      If JWK verification keys should be fetched at the moment a connection to the OIDC provider is initialized.

      Disabling this property delays the key acquisition until the moment the current token has to be verified. Typically it can only be necessary if the token or other telated request properties provide an additional context which is required to resolve the keys correctly.

    • cacheSize

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="10") public int cacheSize
      Maximum number of JWK keys that can be cached. This property is ignored if the resolveEarly property is set to true.
    • cacheTimeToLive

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="10M") public Duration cacheTimeToLive
      Number of minutes a JWK key can be cached for. This property is ignored if the resolveEarly property is set to true.
    • cleanUpTimerInterval

      @ConfigItem public Optional<Duration> cleanUpTimerInterval
      Cache timer interval. If this property is set, a timer checks and removes the stale entries periodically. This property is ignored if the resolveEarly property is set to true.
  • Constructor Details

    • Jwks

      public Jwks()
  • Method Details

    • getCacheSize

      public int getCacheSize()
    • setCacheSize

      public void setCacheSize(int cacheSize)
    • getCacheTimeToLive

      public Duration getCacheTimeToLive()
    • setCacheTimeToLive

      public void setCacheTimeToLive(Duration cacheTimeToLive)
    • getCleanUpTimerInterval

      public Optional<Duration> getCleanUpTimerInterval()
    • setCleanUpTimerInterval

      public void setCleanUpTimerInterval(Duration cleanUpTimerInterval)
    • isResolveEarly

      public boolean isResolveEarly()
    • setResolveEarly

      public void setResolveEarly(boolean resolveEarly)