Class QuartzBuildTimeConfig

  • @ConfigRoot(phase=BUILD_AND_RUN_TIME_FIXED)
    public class QuartzBuildTimeConfig
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • clustered

        public boolean clustered
        Enable cluster mode or not.

        If enabled make sure to set the appropriate cluster properties.

      • clusterCheckinInterval

        public long clusterCheckinInterval
        The frequency (in milliseconds) at which the scheduler instance checks-in with other instances of the cluster.

        Ignored if using a `ram` store i.e StoreType.RAM.

      • dataSourceName

        public Optional<String> dataSourceName
        The name of the datasource to use.

        Ignored if using a `ram` store i.e StoreType.RAM.

        Optionally needed when using the `jdbc-tx` or `jdbc-cmt` store types. If not specified, defaults to using the default datasource.

      • tablePrefix

        public String tablePrefix
        The prefix for quartz job store tables.

        Ignored if using a `ram` store i.e StoreType.RAM

      • selectWithLockSql

        public Optional<String> selectWithLockSql
        The SQL string that selects a row in the "LOCKS" table and places a lock on the row.

        Ignored if using a `ram` store i.e StoreType.RAM.

        If not set, the default value of Quartz applies, for which the "{0}" is replaced during run-time with the `table-prefix`, the "{1}" with the `instance-name`.

        An example SQL string `SELECT * FROM {0}LOCKS WHERE SCHED_NAME = {1} AND LOCK_NAME = ? FOR UPDATE`

      • serializeJobData

        public Optional<Boolean> serializeJobData
        Instructs JDBCJobStore to serialize JobDataMaps in the BLOB column.

        Ignored if using a `ram` store i.e StoreType.RAM.

        If this is set to `true`, the JDBCJobStore will store the JobDataMaps in their serialize form in the BLOB Column. This is useful when you want to store complex JobData objects other than String. This is equivalent of setting `org.quartz.jobStore.useProperties` to `false`. NOTE: When this option is set to `true`, all the non-String classes used in JobDataMaps have to be registered for serialization when building a native image

        If this is set to `false` (the default), the values can be stored as name-value pairs rather than storing more complex objects in their serialized form in the BLOB column. This can be handy, as you avoid the class versioning issues that can arise from serializing your non-String classes into a BLOB. This is equivalent of setting `org.quartz.jobStore.useProperties` to `true`.

      • instanceIdGenerators

        public Map<String,​QuartzExtensionPointConfig> instanceIdGenerators
        Instance ID generators.
    • Constructor Detail

      • QuartzBuildTimeConfig

        public QuartzBuildTimeConfig()