Class QuartzRuntimeConfig


@ConfigRoot(phase=RUN_TIME) public class QuartzRuntimeConfig extends Object
  • Field Details

    • instanceName

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="QuarkusQuartzScheduler") public String instanceName
      The name of the Quartz instance.
    • instanceId

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="AUTO") public String instanceId
      The identifier of Quartz instance that must be unique for all schedulers working as if they are the same logical Scheduler within a cluster. Use the default value AUTO or some of the configured instance ID generators if you wish the identifier to be generated for you.
    • batchTriggerAcquisitionFireAheadTimeWindow

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="0") public long batchTriggerAcquisitionFireAheadTimeWindow
      The amount of time in milliseconds that a trigger is allowed to be acquired and fired ahead of its scheduled fire time.
    • batchTriggerAcquisitionMaxCount

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="1") public int batchTriggerAcquisitionMaxCount
      The maximum number of triggers that a scheduler node is allowed to acquire (for firing) at once.
    • threadCount

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="25") public int threadCount
      The size of scheduler thread pool. This will initialize the number of worker threads in the pool.
    • threadPriority

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="5") public int threadPriority
      Thread priority of worker threads in the pool.
    • misfireThreshold

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="60") public Duration misfireThreshold
      Defines how late the schedulers should be to be considered misfired.
    • startMode

      @ConfigItem @Deprecated public Optional<QuartzStartMode> startMode
      Use quarkus.scheduler.start-mode instead.
      Scheduler can be started in different modes: normal, forced or halted. By default, the scheduler is not started unless a Scheduled business method is found. If set to "forced", scheduler will be started even if no scheduled business methods are found. This is necessary for "pure" programmatic scheduling. Additionally, setting it to "halted" will behave just like forced mode but the scheduler will not start triggering jobs until an explicit start is called from the main scheduler. This is useful to programmatically register listeners before scheduler starts performing some work.
    • shutdownWaitTime

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="10") public Duration shutdownWaitTime
      The maximum amount of time Quarkus will wait for currently running jobs to finish. If the value is 0, then Quarkus will not wait at all for these jobs to finish - it will call org.quartz.Scheduler.shutdown(false) in this case.
    • simpleTriggerConfig

      @ConfigItem(name="simple-trigger") public QuartzRuntimeConfig.TriggerConfig simpleTriggerConfig
      Simple trigger default configuration
    • cronTriggerConfig

      @ConfigItem(name="cron-trigger") public QuartzRuntimeConfig.TriggerConfig cronTriggerConfig
      Cron trigger default configuration
    • misfirePolicyPerJobs

      @ConfigDocSection @ConfigDocMapKey("identity") @ConfigItem(name="misfire-policy") public Map<String,QuartzRuntimeConfig.QuartzMisfirePolicyConfig> misfirePolicyPerJobs
      Misfire policy per job configuration.
    • runBlockingScheduledMethodOnQuartzThread

      @ConfigItem(defaultValue="false") public boolean runBlockingScheduledMethodOnQuartzThread
      When set to true, blocking scheduled methods are invoked on a thread managed by Quartz instead of a thread from the regular Quarkus thread pool (default).

      When this option is enabled, blocking scheduled methods do not run on a duplicated context.

  • Constructor Details

    • QuartzRuntimeConfig

      public QuartzRuntimeConfig()