Class QuteConfig

    • Field Detail

      • suffixes

        public List<String> suffixes
        The list of suffixes used when attempting to locate a template file. By default, `engine.getTemplate("foo")` would result in several lookups: `foo`, `foo.html`, `foo.txt`, etc.
      • typeCheckExcludes

        public Optional<List<String>> typeCheckExcludes
        The list of exclude rules used to intentionally ignore some parts of an expression when performing type-safe validation.

        An element value must have at least two parts separated by dot. The last part is used to match the property/method name. The prepended parts are used to match the class name. The value * can be used to match any name.


        • - exclude the property/method name on the org.acme.Foo class
        • org.acme.Foo.* - exclude any property/method on the org.acme.Foo class
        • *.age - exlude the property/method age on any class
      • templatePathExclude

        public Pattern templatePathExclude
        This regular expression is used to exclude template files from the templates directory. Excluded templates are neither parsed nor validated during build and are not available at runtime.

        The matched input is the file path relative from the templates directory and the / is used as a path separator.

        By default, the hidden files are excluded. The name of a hidden file starts with a dot.

      • iterationMetadataPrefix

        public String iterationMetadataPrefix
        The prefix is used to access the iteration metadata inside a loop section.

        A valid prefix consists of alphanumeric characters and underscores. Three special constants can be used:

        • <alias_> - the alias of an iterated element suffixed with an underscore is used, e.g. item_hasNext and it_count
        • <alias?> - the alias of an iterated element suffixed with a question mark is used, e.g. item?hasNext and it?count
        • <none> - no prefix is used, e.g. hasNext and count
        By default, the <alias_> constant is set.
    • Constructor Detail

      • QuteConfig

        public QuteConfig()