Class QuteRuntimeConfig

    • Field Detail

      • propertyNotFoundStrategy

        public Optional<QuteRuntimeConfig.PropertyNotFoundStrategy> propertyNotFoundStrategy
        The strategy used when a standalone expression evaluates to a "not found" value at runtime and the io.quarkus.qute.strict-rendering config property is set to false

        This strategy is never used when evaluating section parameters, e.g. {#if}. In such case, it's the responsibility of the section to handle this situation appropriately.

        By default, the NOT_FOUND constant is written to the output. However, in the development mode the QuteRuntimeConfig.PropertyNotFoundStrategy.THROW_EXCEPTION is used by default, i.e. when the strategy is not specified.

      • removeStandaloneLines

        public boolean removeStandaloneLines
        Specify whether the parser should remove standalone lines from the output. A standalone line is a line that contains at least one section tag, parameter declaration, or comment but no expression and no non-whitespace character.
      • strictRendering

        public boolean strictRendering
        If set to true then any expression that is evaluated to a Results.NotFound value will always result in a TemplateException and the rendering is aborted.

        Note that the config property is completely ignored if strict rendering is enabled.

    • Constructor Detail

      • QuteRuntimeConfig

        public QuteRuntimeConfig()