Package io.quarkus.vertx.web

package io.quarkus.vertx.web
  • Class
    Identifies a route method parameter that should be injected with a value returned from: RoutingContext.getBody() for type Buffer RoutingContext.getBodyAsString() for type String RoutingContext.getBodyAsJson() for type JsonObject RoutingContext.getBodyAsJsonArray() for type JsonArray RoutingContext.getBodyAsJson() and JsonObject.mapTo(Class) for any other type
    Identifies a route method parameter that should be injected with a value returned from HttpServerRequest.getHeader(String).
    Identifies a route method parameter that should be injected with a value returned from HttpServerRequest.getParam(String).
    Provides utility methods, mainly to handle text/event-stream responses.
    A class allowing to customize how the server sent events are written.
    This annotation can be used to configure a reactive route in a declarative way.
    Represents an HTTP method.
    Annotation used to configure some defaults for reactive routes declared on a class.
    This annotation is used to define a "filter", i.e.
    Convenient wrapper of RoutingContext.