Interface RedisConfig

  • @ConfigMapping(prefix="quarkus.redis")
    public interface RedisConfig
    • Method Detail

      • defaultRedisClient

        RedisClientConfig defaultRedisClient()
        The default redis client
      • namedRedisClients

        Map<String,​RedisClientConfig> namedRedisClients()
        Configures additional (named) Redis clients.

        Each client has a unique name which must be identified to select the right client. For example:

         quarkus.redis.client1.hosts = redis://localhost:6379
         quarkus.redis.client2.hosts = redis://localhost:6380

        And then use the RedisClientName annotation to select the Redis, Redis, RedisAPI and RedisAPI beans.

             RedisAPI redis;
      • isDefaultClient

        static boolean isDefaultClient​(String name)