Class BlockingRedisDataSourceImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BlockingRedisDataSourceImpl extends Object implements RedisDataSource
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • BlockingRedisDataSourceImpl

      public BlockingRedisDataSourceImpl(io.vertx.mutiny.core.Vertx vertx, io.vertx.mutiny.redis.client.Redis redis, io.vertx.mutiny.redis.client.RedisAPI api, Duration timeout)
    • BlockingRedisDataSourceImpl

      public BlockingRedisDataSourceImpl(ReactiveRedisDataSourceImpl reactive, Duration timeout)
    • BlockingRedisDataSourceImpl

      public BlockingRedisDataSourceImpl(io.vertx.mutiny.core.Vertx vertx, io.vertx.mutiny.redis.client.Redis redis, io.vertx.mutiny.redis.client.RedisConnection connection, Duration timeout)
  • Method Details

    • withTransaction

      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Retrieves a RedisDataSource enqueuing commands in a Redis Transaction (MULTI). Note that transaction acquires a single connection, and all the commands are enqueued in this connection. The commands are only executed when the passed block completes.

      The results of the commands are retrieved using the returned TransactionResult.

      The user can discard a transaction using the TransactionalRedisDataSource.discard() method. In this case, the produced TransactionResult will be empty.

      Specified by:
      withTransaction in interface RedisDataSource
      ds - the consumer receiving the transactional redis data source. The enqueued commands are only executed at the end of the block.
    • withTransaction

      public TransactionResult withTransaction(Consumer<TransactionalRedisDataSource> ds, String... watchedKeys)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Retrieves a RedisDataSource enqueuing commands in a Redis Transaction (MULTI). Note that transaction acquires a single connection, and all the commands are enqueued in this connection. The commands are only executed when the passed block completes.

      The results of the commands are retrieved using the returned TransactionResult.

      The user can discard a transaction using the TransactionalRedisDataSource.discard() method. In this case, the produced TransactionResult will be empty.

      Specified by:
      withTransaction in interface RedisDataSource
      ds - the consumer receiving the transactional redis data source. The enqueued commands are only executed at the end of the block.
      watchedKeys - the keys to watch during the execution of the transaction. If one of these key is modified before the completion of the transaction, the transaction is discarded.
    • withTransaction

      public <I> OptimisticLockingTransactionResult<I> withTransaction(Function<RedisDataSource,I> preTxBlock, BiConsumer<I,TransactionalRedisDataSource> tx, String... watchedKeys)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Retrieves a RedisDataSource enqueuing commands in a Redis Transaction (MULTI). Note that transaction acquires a single connection, and all the commands are enqueued in this connection. The commands are only executed when the passed block emits the null item.

      This variant also allows executing code before the transaction gets started but after the key being watched:

           WATCH key
           // preTxBlock
           element = ZRANGE k 0 0
           // TxBlock
              ZREM k element

      The preTxBlock returns a RedisDataSource. The produced value is received by the tx block, which can use that value to execute the appropriate operation in the transaction. The produced value can also be retrieved from the produced OptimisticLockingTransactionResult. Commands issued in the preTxBlock must used the passed (single-connection) RedisDataSource instance.

      If the preTxBlock throws an exception, the transaction is not executed, and the returned OptimisticLockingTransactionResult is empty.

      This construct allows implementing operation relying on optimistic locking. The results of the commands are retrieved using the produced OptimisticLockingTransactionResult.

      The user can discard a transaction using the TransactionalRedisDataSource.discard() method. In this case, the produced OptimisticLockingTransactionResult will be empty.

      Specified by:
      withTransaction in interface RedisDataSource
      tx - the consumer receiving the transactional redis data source. The enqueued commands are only executed at the end of the block.
      watchedKeys - the keys to watch during the execution of the transaction. If one of these key is modified before the completion of the transaction, the transaction is discarded.
    • withConnection

      public void withConnection(Consumer<RedisDataSource> consumer)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Retrieves a RedisDataSource using a single connection with the Redis server. The connection is acquired from the pool, and released then the consumer completes.
      Specified by:
      withConnection in interface RedisDataSource
      consumer - the consumer receiving the connection and returning when the connection can be released.
    • select

      public void select(long index)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Execute the command SELECT. Summary: Change the selected database for the current connection Group: connection Requires Redis 1.0.0

      This method is expected to be used inside a RedisDataSource.withConnection(Consumer) block.

      Specified by:
      select in interface RedisDataSource
      index - the database index.
    • flushall

      public void flushall()
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Execute the command FLUSHALL. Summary: Remove all keys from all databases Group: server Requires Redis 1.0.0
      Specified by:
      flushall in interface RedisDataSource
    • hash

      public <K1, F, V1> HashCommands<K1,F,V1> hash(Class<K1> redisKeyType, Class<F> typeOfField, Class<V1> typeOfValue)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating hashes (a.k.a. Map&lt;F, V&gt;).

      If you want to use a hash of &lt;String -> Person&gt; stored using String identifier, you would use: hash(String.class, String.class, Person.class). If you want to use a hash of &lt;String -> Person&gt; stored using UUID identifier, you would use: hash(UUID.class, String.class, Person.class).

      Specified by:
      hash in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K1 - the type of the redis key
      F - the type of the fields (map's keys)
      V1 - the type of the value
      redisKeyType - the class of the keys
      typeOfField - the class of the fields
      typeOfValue - the class of the values
      the object to execute commands manipulating hashes (a.k.a. Map&lt;K, V&gt;).
    • hash

      public <K, F, V> HashCommands<K,F,V> hash(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<K> redisKeyType, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<F> typeOfField, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<V> typeOfValue)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating hashes (a.k.a. Map&lt;F, V&gt;).

      If you want to use a hash of &lt;String -> Person&gt; stored using String identifier, you would use: hash(String.class, String.class, Person.class). If you want to use a hash of &lt;String -> Person&gt; stored using UUID identifier, you would use: hash(UUID.class, String.class, Person.class).

      Specified by:
      hash in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of the redis key
      F - the type of the fields (map's keys)
      V - the type of the value
      redisKeyType - the class of the keys
      typeOfField - the class of the fields
      typeOfValue - the class of the values
      the object to execute commands manipulating hashes (a.k.a. Map&lt;K, V&gt;).
    • geo

      public <K1, V1> GeoCommands<K1,V1> geo(Class<K1> redisKeyType, Class<V1> memberType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating geo items (a.k.a. {longitude, latitude, member}).

      V represents the type of the member, i.e. the localized thing.

      Specified by:
      geo in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K1 - the type of the redis key
      V1 - the type of the member
      redisKeyType - the class of the keys
      memberType - the class of the members
      the object to execute geo commands.
    • geo

      public <K1, V1> GeoCommands<K1,V1> geo(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<K1> redisKeyType, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<V1> memberType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating geo items (a.k.a. {longitude, latitude, member}).

      V represents the type of the member, i.e. the localized thing.

      Specified by:
      geo in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K1 - the type of the redis key
      V1 - the type of the member
      redisKeyType - the class of the keys
      memberType - the class of the members
      the object to execute geo commands.
    • key

      public <K1> KeyCommands<K1> key(Class<K1> redisKeyType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating keys and expiration times.
      Specified by:
      key in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K1 - the type of the key
      redisKeyType - the type of the keys
      the object to execute commands manipulating keys.
    • key

      public <K1> KeyCommands<K1> key(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<K1> redisKeyType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating keys and expiration times.
      Specified by:
      key in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K1 - the type of the key
      redisKeyType - the type of the keys
      the object to execute commands manipulating keys.
    • sortedSet

      public <K1, V1> SortedSetCommands<K1,V1> sortedSet(Class<K1> redisKeyType, Class<V1> valueType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating sorted sets.
      Specified by:
      sortedSet in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K1 - the type of the key
      V1 - the type of the value
      redisKeyType - the type of the keys
      valueType - the type of the value sorted in the sorted sets
      the object to manipulate sorted sets.
    • sortedSet

      public <K1, V1> SortedSetCommands<K1,V1> sortedSet(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<K1> redisKeyType, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<V1> valueType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating sorted sets.
      Specified by:
      sortedSet in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K1 - the type of the key
      V1 - the type of the value
      redisKeyType - the type of the keys
      valueType - the type of the value sorted in the sorted sets
      the object to manipulate sorted sets.
    • string

      public <K1, V1> StringCommands<K1,V1> string(Class<K1> redisKeyType, Class<V1> valueType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating stored strings.
      Specified by:
      string in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K1 - the type of the key
      V1 - the type of the value
      redisKeyType - the type of the keys
      valueType - the type of the value, often String, or the value are encoded/decoded using codecs.
      the object to manipulate stored strings.
    • value

      public <K, V> ValueCommands<K,V> value(Class<K> redisKeyType, Class<V> valueType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating stored strings.

      NOTE: Instead of string, this group is named value to avoid the confusion with the Java String type. Indeed, Redis strings can be strings, numbers, byte arrays...

      Specified by:
      value in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of the key
      V - the type of the value
      redisKeyType - the type of the keys
      valueType - the type of the value, often String, or the value are encoded/decoded using codecs.
      the object to manipulate stored strings.
    • value

      public <K, V> ValueCommands<K,V> value(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<K> redisKeyType, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<V> valueType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating stored strings.

      NOTE: Instead of string, this group is named value to avoid the confusion with the Java String type. Indeed, Redis strings can be strings, numbers, byte arrays...

      Specified by:
      value in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of the key
      V - the type of the value
      redisKeyType - the type of the keys
      valueType - the type of the value, often String, or the value are encoded/decoded using codecs.
      the object to manipulate stored strings.
    • set

      public <K1, V1> SetCommands<K1,V1> set(Class<K1> redisKeyType, Class<V1> memberType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating sets.
      Specified by:
      set in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K1 - the type of the key
      V1 - the type of the member
      redisKeyType - the type of the keys
      memberType - the type of the member stored in each set
      the object to manipulate sets.
    • set

      public <K1, V1> SetCommands<K1,V1> set(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<K1> redisKeyType, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<V1> memberType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating sets.
      Specified by:
      set in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K1 - the type of the key
      V1 - the type of the member
      redisKeyType - the type of the keys
      memberType - the type of the member stored in each set
      the object to manipulate sets.
    • list

      public <K1, V1> ListCommands<K1,V1> list(Class<K1> redisKeyType, Class<V1> memberType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating lists.
      Specified by:
      list in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K1 - the type of the key
      V1 - the type of the member
      redisKeyType - the type of the keys
      memberType - the type of the member stored in each list
      the object to manipulate sets.
    • list

      public <K1, V1> ListCommands<K1,V1> list(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<K1> redisKeyType, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<V1> memberType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating lists.
      Specified by:
      list in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K1 - the type of the key
      V1 - the type of the member
      redisKeyType - the type of the keys
      memberType - the type of the member stored in each list
      the object to manipulate sets.
    • hyperloglog

      public <K1, V1> HyperLogLogCommands<K1,V1> hyperloglog(Class<K1> redisKeyType, Class<V1> memberType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating hyperloglog data structures.
      Specified by:
      hyperloglog in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K1 - the type of the key
      V1 - the type of the member
      redisKeyType - the type of the keys
      memberType - the type of the member stored in the data structure
      the object to manipulate hyper log log data structures.
    • hyperloglog

      public <K1, V1> HyperLogLogCommands<K1,V1> hyperloglog(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<K1> redisKeyType, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<V1> memberType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating hyperloglog data structures.
      Specified by:
      hyperloglog in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K1 - the type of the key
      V1 - the type of the member
      redisKeyType - the type of the keys
      memberType - the type of the member stored in the data structure
      the object to manipulate hyper log log data structures.
    • bitmap

      public <K> BitMapCommands<K> bitmap(Class<K> redisKeyType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating bitmap data structures.
      Specified by:
      bitmap in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of the key
      redisKeyType - the type of the keys
      the object to manipulate bitmap data structures.
    • bitmap

      public <K> BitMapCommands<K> bitmap(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<K> redisKeyType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating bitmap data structures.
      Specified by:
      bitmap in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of the key
      redisKeyType - the type of the keys
      the object to manipulate bitmap data structures.
    • stream

      public <K, F, V> StreamCommands<K,F,V> stream(Class<K> redisKeyType, Class<F> fieldType, Class<V> valueType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating streams.
      Specified by:
      stream in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of the redis key
      F - the type of the fields (map's keys)
      V - the type of the value
      redisKeyType - the class of the keys
      fieldType - the class of the fields included in the message exchanged on the streams
      valueType - the class of the values included in the message exchanged on the streams
      the object to execute commands manipulating streams.
    • stream

      public <K, F, V> StreamCommands<K,F,V> stream(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<K> redisKeyType, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<F> fieldType, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<V> valueType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to execute commands manipulating streams.
      Specified by:
      stream in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of the redis key
      F - the type of the fields (map's keys)
      V - the type of the value
      redisKeyType - the class of the keys
      fieldType - the class of the fields included in the message exchanged on the streams
      valueType - the class of the values included in the message exchanged on the streams
      the object to execute commands manipulating streams.
    • json

      public <K> JsonCommands<K> json(Class<K> redisKeyType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to manipulate JSON values. This group requires the RedisJSON module.
      Specified by:
      json in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys
      the object to manipulate JSON values.
    • json

      public <K> JsonCommands<K> json(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<K> redisKeyType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to manipulate JSON values. This group requires the RedisJSON module.
      Specified by:
      json in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys
      the object to manipulate JSON values.
    • bloom

      public <K, V> BloomCommands<K,V> bloom(Class<K> redisKeyType, Class<V> valueType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to manipulate Bloom filters. This group requires the RedisBloom module.
      Specified by:
      bloom in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys
      V - the type of the values added into the Bloom filter
      the object to manipulate bloom filters.
    • bloom

      public <K, V> BloomCommands<K,V> bloom(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<K> redisKeyType, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<V> valueType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to manipulate Bloom filters. This group requires the RedisBloom module.
      Specified by:
      bloom in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys
      V - the type of the values added into the Bloom filter
      the object to manipulate bloom filters.
    • cuckoo

      public <K, V> CuckooCommands<K,V> cuckoo(Class<K> redisKeyType, Class<V> valueType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to manipulate Cuckoo filters. This group requires the RedisBloom module (including the Cuckoo filter support).
      Specified by:
      cuckoo in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys
      V - the type of the values added into the Cuckoo filter
      the object to manipulate Cuckoo filters.
    • cuckoo

      public <K, V> CuckooCommands<K,V> cuckoo(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<K> redisKeyType, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<V> valueType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to manipulate Cuckoo filters. This group requires the RedisBloom module (including the Cuckoo filter support).
      Specified by:
      cuckoo in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys
      V - the type of the values added into the Cuckoo filter
      the object to manipulate Cuckoo filters.
    • countmin

      public <K, V> CountMinCommands<K,V> countmin(Class<K> redisKeyType, Class<V> valueType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to manipulate Count-Min sketches. This group requires the RedisBloom module (including the count-min sketches support).
      Specified by:
      countmin in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys
      V - the type of the values added into the count-min sketches
      the object to manipulate count-min sketches.
    • countmin

      public <K, V> CountMinCommands<K,V> countmin(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<K> redisKeyType, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<V> valueType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to manipulate Count-Min sketches. This group requires the RedisBloom module (including the count-min sketches support).
      Specified by:
      countmin in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys
      V - the type of the values added into the count-min sketches
      the object to manipulate count-min sketches.
    • topk

      public <K, V> TopKCommands<K,V> topk(Class<K> redisKeyType, Class<V> valueType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to manipulate Top-K list. This group requires the RedisBloom module (including the top-k list support).
      Specified by:
      topk in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys
      V - the type of the values added into the top-k lists
      the object to manipulate top-k lists.
    • topk

      public <K, V> TopKCommands<K,V> topk(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<K> redisKeyType, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<V> valueType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to manipulate Top-K list. This group requires the RedisBloom module (including the top-k list support).
      Specified by:
      topk in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys
      V - the type of the values added into the top-k lists
      the object to manipulate top-k lists.
    • graph

      public <K> GraphCommands<K> graph(Class<K> redisKeyType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to manipulate graphs. This group requires the RedisGraph module.
      Specified by:
      graph in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys
      the object to manipulate graphs lists.
    • search

      public <K> SearchCommands<K> search(Class<K> redisKeyType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to emit commands from the search group. This group requires the RedisSearch module.
      Specified by:
      search in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys
      the object to search documents
    • autosuggest

      public <K> AutoSuggestCommands<K> autosuggest(Class<K> redisKeyType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to emit commands from the auto-suggest group. This group requires the RedisSearch module.
      Specified by:
      autosuggest in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys
      the object to get suggestions
    • autosuggest

      public <K> AutoSuggestCommands<K> autosuggest(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<K> redisKeyType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to emit commands from the auto-suggest group. This group requires the RedisSearch module.
      Specified by:
      autosuggest in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys
      the object to get suggestions
    • timeseries

      public <K> TimeSeriesCommands<K> timeseries(Class<K> redisKeyType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to emit commands from the time series group. This group requires the Redis Time Series module.
      Specified by:
      timeseries in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys
      the object to manipulate time series
    • timeseries

      public <K> TimeSeriesCommands<K> timeseries(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<K> redisKeyType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the object to emit commands from the time series group. This group requires the Redis Time Series module.
      Specified by:
      timeseries in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys
      the object to manipulate time series
    • pubsub

      public <V> PubSubCommands<V> pubsub(Class<V> messageType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the objects to publish and receive messages.
      Specified by:
      pubsub in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      V - the type of message
      messageType - the type of message
      the object to publish and subscribe to Redis channels
    • pubsub

      public <V> PubSubCommands<V> pubsub(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<V> messageType)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Gets the objects to publish and receive messages.
      Specified by:
      pubsub in interface RedisDataSource
      Type Parameters:
      V - the type of message
      messageType - the type of message
      the object to publish and subscribe to Redis channels
    • execute

      public io.vertx.mutiny.redis.client.Response execute(String command, String... args)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Executes a command. This method is used to execute commands not offered by the API.
      Specified by:
      execute in interface RedisDataSource
      command - the command name
      args - the parameters, encoded as String.
      the response
    • execute

      public io.vertx.mutiny.redis.client.Response execute(io.vertx.mutiny.redis.client.Command command, String... args)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Executes a command. This method is used to execute commands not offered by the API.
      Specified by:
      execute in interface RedisDataSource
      command - the command
      args - the parameters, encoded as String.
      the response
    • execute

      public io.vertx.mutiny.redis.client.Response execute(io.vertx.redis.client.Command command, String... args)
      Description copied from interface: RedisDataSource
      Executes a command. This method is used to execute commands not offered by the API.
      Specified by:
      execute in interface RedisDataSource
      command - the command
      args - the parameters, encoded as String.
      the response
    • getReactive

      public ReactiveRedisDataSource getReactive()
      Specified by:
      getReactive in interface RedisDataSource
      the reactive data source.