Interface Codec

All Known Implementing Classes:
Codecs.ByteArrayCodec, Codecs.DoubleCodec, Codecs.IntegerCodec, Codecs.JsonCodec, Codecs.StringCodec

public interface Codec
Redis codec interface.

The Redis data source uses this interface to serialize and deserialize data to and from Redis. A set of default codecs are provided for Strings, Integers, Doubles and Byte arrays. For custom types, either there is a specific implementation of this interface exposed as CDI (Application Scoped) bean, or JSON is used.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    canHandle(Type clazz)
    Checks if the current codec can handle the serialization and deserialization of object from the given type.
    decode(byte[] item)
    Decodes the given bytes to an object.
    encode(Object item)
    Encodes the given object.
  • Method Details

    • canHandle

      boolean canHandle(Type clazz)
      Checks if the current codec can handle the serialization and deserialization of object from the given type.
      clazz - the type, cannot be null
      true if the codec can handle the type, false otherwise
    • encode

      byte[] encode(Object item)
      Encodes the given object. The type of the given object matches the type used to call the canHandle(Type) method.
      item - the item
      the encoded content
    • decode

      Object decode(byte[] item)
      Decodes the given bytes to an object. The codec must return an instance of the type used to call the canHandle(Type) method.
      item - the bytes
      the object