All Classes and Interfaces

Represents the extra arguments of the ts.add command.
Represents the extra arguments of the ft.aggregate command.
Represents a document from a ft.aggregate response.
Time Series Aggregation functions
Represents the response of the ft.aggregate command.
Represents the extra arguments of the ts.alter command.
Allows executing commands from the auto-suggest group (requires the Redis Search module from Redis stack).
Represents a bit field type with details about signed/unsigned and the number of bits.
Represents a bit field offset.
Allows executing commands from the bitmap group.
Allows executing commands from the bloom group.
Configure the bucket timestamp of an aggregation in the TS.MRANGE command.
Represents claimed messages
Redis codec interface.
Arguments for the Redis COPY command.
Allows executing commands from the count-min group.
Represents the argument of the ft.create command.
Represents the extra arguments of the ts.create command.
Allows executing commands from the cuckoo group.
Metric for computing the distance between two vectors.
Represents a document containing in the response of a command.
Represents a document property / attribute
Argument for the Redis EXPIRE and EXPIREAT commands.
Allows customizing the indexed field.
Represents a filter used in the MGET command.
Allows executing commands from the geo group.
Represents a geo filter
Represents a value attached to a GeoPosition.
Represents a geospatial position.
Represents a value returned from GEO commands.
use GetExArgs instead
Argument list for the Redis GETEX command.
Allows executing commands from the graph group.
Allows executing commands from the hash group.
Allows customizing the highlighting.
Allows executing commands from the hyperloglog group.
Represents the extra arguments of the ts.decrby and tx.incrby commands.
Represents an indexed field.
Allows executing commands from the json group (requires the Redis stack).
Allows executing commands manipulating keys.
Represents the scan commands flags.
Allows executing commands from the list group.
Represents the extra parameter of the LPOS command
Represents the extra arguments of the ts.mget command.
Represent the TS.MRANGE and TS.MREVRANGE commands optional parameters.
Represents a numeric filter
An implementation of the Redis interface that tracks the duration of each operation for observability purpose.
A structure holding the result of the commands executed in a transaction.
Represents the result of an expended xpending command.
Allows executing Pub/Sub commands.
A redis subscriber
Represents the extra arguments of the command
Represent the TS.RANGE and TS.REVRANGE commands optional parameters.
Allows executing commands from the auto-suggest group (requires the Redis Search module from Redis stack).
Allows executing commands from the bitmap group.
Allows executing commands from the bloom group.
Allows executing commands from the count-min group.
Allows executing commands from the cuckoo group.
Allows executing commands from the geo group.
Allows executing commands from the graph group.
Allows executing commands from the hash group.
Allows executing commands from the hyperloglog group.
Allows executing commands from the json group (requires the Redis stack).
Allows executing commands manipulating keys.
Allows executing commands from the list group.
A redis subscriber
Use RedisAPI or ReactiveRedisDataSource instead.
Interface implemented by reactive Redis command groups.
Non-Blocking and Reactive Redis Data Source.
Allows executing commands from the search group (requires the Redis Search module from Redis stack).
Allows executing commands from the set group.
Allows executing commands from the sorted set group.
Allows executing commands manipulating streams.
Allows executing commands from the time series group (requires the Redis Time Series module from Redis stack).
Allows executing commands from the top-k group.
Allows executing commands from the auto-suggest group (requires the Redis Search module from Redis stack).
Allows executing commands from the count-min group.
Allows executing commands from the cuckoo group.
Allows executing commands from the graph group.
Interface implemented by transactional and reactive Redis command groups.
Redis Data Source object used to execute commands in a Redis transaction (MULTI).
Allows executing commands from the search group (requires the Redis Search module from Redis stack).
Allows executing commands manipulating streams.
Allows executing commands from the time series group (requires the Redis Time Series module from Redis stack).
Allows executing commands from the top-k group.
Allows executing commands from the string group.
Use RedisAPI or RedisDataSource instead.
Marker annotation to select the Redis client.
Interface implemented by imperative Redis command groups.
Synchronous / Blocking Redis Data Source.
Programmatically provides redis hosts
Beans exposing the RedisClientOptionsCustomizer interface has the possibility to extend/modify the RedisOptions before they are used to create the RedisClient or RedisDataSource.
A structure encapsulating the Redis pub/sub payload and the channel on which the message was sent.
Time Series Reducer functions
Represents a sample from a time series
Represent a group of samples returned by the range of mget methods.
Represents the scan commands flags.
A value associated with its score (double)
Allows executing commands from the search group (requires the Redis Search module from Redis stack).
Represents the response of a command.
Represents a sample to be added to a specific time series key
Use SetArgs instead.
Argument list for the Redis SET command.
Allows executing commands from the set group.
Represent a limit.
Allows executing commands from the sorted set group.
Allows executing commands manipulating streams.
Represents a message received from a stream
Represents a stream range.
Use ValueCommands instead.
Represent a suggestion.
Allows configuring the summarizing.
Represents the response of a ft.syndump command.
Allows executing commands from the time series group (requires the Redis Time Series module from Redis stack).
Represent the range used in the TS.MRANGE and TS.MREVRANGE commands.
Allows executing commands from the top-k group.
Allows executing commands from the auto-suggest group (requires the Redis Search module from Redis stack).
Allows executing commands from the bitmap group in a Redis transaction (Multi).
Allows executing commands from the count-min group.
Allows executing commands from the cuckoo group.
Allows executing commands from the graph group.
Interface implemented by transactional and imperative Redis command groups.
Redis Data Source object used to execute commands in a Redis transaction (MULTI).
Allows executing commands from the search group (requires the Redis Search module from Redis stack).
Allows executing commands manipulating streams.
Allows executing commands from the time series group (requires the Redis Time Series module from Redis stack).
Allows executing commands from the top-k group.
A structure holding the result of the commands executed in a transaction.
Allows executing commands from the string group.
The vector algorithm to use when searching k most similar vectors in an index.
Type of vector stored in a vector field.
Creates Vert.x Redis client for a given RedisClientConfig.
The argument of the XADD command.
The argument of the XCLAIM command.
Represents the extra argument of the <a href=">XGROUP CREATE command.
Represents the extra argument of the <a href=">XGROUP SETID command.
The result of the xpending command when using the summary form.
Represents the extra parameter of the <a href=">XREAD command.
Represents the extra parameter of the <a href=">XREADGROUP command.
The argument of the XTRIM command.