Interface TransactionalSearchCommands

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@Experimental("The commands from the search group are experimental") public interface TransactionalSearchCommands extends TransactionalRedisCommands
Allows executing commands from the search group (requires the Redis Search module from Redis stack). See the search command list for further information about these commands.

<a href=""Redis Search allows querying, secondary indexing, and full-text search for Redis.

This API is intended to be used in a Redis transaction (MULTI), thus, all command methods return void.

  • Method Details

    • ft_list

      void ft_list()
      Execute the command FT._LIST. Summary: Returns a list of all existing indexes. Group: search

      This is a temporary command.

    • ftAggregate

      void ftAggregate(String indexName, String query, AggregateArgs args)
      Execute the command FT.AGGREGATE. Summary: Run a search query on an index, and perform aggregate transformations on the results, extracting statistics from them Group: search
      indexName - the index against which the query is executed.
      query - the filtering query that retrieves the documents. It follows the exact same syntax as the search query, including filters, unions, not, optional, and so on.
      args - the extra parameters
    • ftAggregate

      void ftAggregate(String indexName, String query)
      Execute the command FT.AGGREGATE. Summary: Run a search query on an index, and perform aggregate transformations on the results, extracting statistics from them Group: search
      indexName - the index against which the query is executed.
      query - the filtering query that retrieves the documents. It follows the exact same syntax as the search query, including filters, unions, not, optional, and so on.
    • ftAliasAdd

      void ftAliasAdd(String alias, String index)
      Execute the command FT.ALIASADD. Summary: Add an alias to an index Group: search
      alias - the alias to be added to an index.
      index - the index
    • ftAliasDel

      void ftAliasDel(String alias)
      Execute the command FT.ALIASDEL. Summary: Remove an alias from an index Group: search
      alias - the alias to be removed
    • ftAliasUpdate

      void ftAliasUpdate(String alias, String index)
      Execute the command FT.ALIASUPDATE. Summary: Add an alias to an index. If the alias is already associated with another index, FT.ALIASUPDATE removes the alias association with the previous index. Group: search
      alias - the alias to be added to an index.
      index - the index
    • ftAlter

      void ftAlter(String index, IndexedField field, boolean skipInitialScan)
      Execute the command FT.ALTER. Summary: Add a new attribute to the index. Adding an attribute to the index causes any future document updates to use the new attribute when indexing and reindexing existing documents. Group: search
      index - the index
      field - the indexed field to add
      skipInitialScan - whether to skip the initial scan, if set to true, does not scan and index.
    • ftAlter

      default void ftAlter(String index, IndexedField field)
      Execute the command FT.ALTER. Summary: Add a new attribute to the index. Adding an attribute to the index causes any future document updates to use the new attribute when indexing and reindexing existing documents. Group: search
      index - the index
      field - the indexed field to add
    • ftCreate

      void ftCreate(String index, CreateArgs args)
      Execute the command FT.CREATE. Summary: Create an index with the given specification. Group: search
      index - the index
      args - the creation arguments.
    • ftCursorDel

      void ftCursorDel(String index, long cursor)
      Execute the command FT.CURSOR DEL. Summary: Delete a cursor Group: search
      index - the index
      cursor - the cursor id
    • ftCursorRead

      void ftCursorRead(String index, long cursor)
      Execute the command FT.CURSOR READ. Summary: Read next results from an existing cursor Group: search
      index - the index
      cursor - the cursor id
    • ftCursorRead

      void ftCursorRead(String index, long cursor, int count)
      Execute the command FT.CURSOR READ. Summary: Read next results from an existing cursor Group: search
      index - the index
      cursor - the cursor id
      count - the number of results to read
    • ftDropIndex

      void ftDropIndex(String index)
      Execute the command FT.DROPINDEX. Summary: Delete an index Group: search
      index - the index
    • ftDropIndex

      void ftDropIndex(String index, boolean dd)
      Execute the command FT.DROPINDEX. Summary: Delete an index Group: search
      index - the index
      dd - drop operation that, if set, deletes the actual document hashes.
    • ftDictAdd

      void ftDictAdd(String dict, String... words)
      Execute the command FT.DICTADD. Summary: Add terms to a dictionary Group: search
      dict - the dictionary name
      words - the terms to add to the dictionary
    • ftDictDel

      void ftDictDel(String dict, String... words)
      Execute the command FT.DICTDEL. Summary: Remove terms from a dictionary Group: search
      dict - the dictionary name
      words - the terms to remove to the dictionary
    • ftDictDump

      void ftDictDump(String dict)
      Execute the command FT.DICTDUMP. Summary: Dump all terms in the given dictionary Group: search
      dict - the dictionary name
    • ftSearch

      void ftSearch(String index, String query, QueryArgs args)
      Execute the command FT.SEARCH. Summary: Search the index with a textual query, returning either documents or just ids Group: search
      index - the index name. You must first create the index using FT.CREATE.
      query - the text query to search.
      args - the extra parameters
    • ftSearch

      void ftSearch(String index, String query)
      Execute the command FT.SEARCH. Summary: Search the index with a textual query, returning either documents or just ids Group: search
      index - the index name. You must first create the index using FT.CREATE.
      query - the text query to search.
    • ftSpellCheck

      void ftSpellCheck(String index, String query)
      Execute the command FT.SPELLCHECK. Summary: Perform spelling correction on a query, returning suggestions for misspelled terms Group: search
      index - the index name. You must first create the index using FT.CREATE.
      query - the text query to search.
    • ftSpellCheck

      void ftSpellCheck(String index, String query, SpellCheckArgs args)
      Execute the command FT.SPELLCHECK. Summary: Perform spelling correction on a query, returning suggestions for misspelled terms Group: search
      index - the index name. You must first create the index using FT.CREATE.
      query - the text query to search.
      args - the extra parameters
    • ftSynDump

      void ftSynDump(String index)
      Execute the command FT.SYNDUMP. Summary: Dump the contents of a synonym group Group: search
      index - the index name.
    • ftSynUpdate

      void ftSynUpdate(String index, String groupId, String... words)
      Execute the command FT.SYNUPDATE. Summary: Update a synonym group Group: search
      index - the index name.
      groupId - the synonym group
      words - the synonyms
    • ftSynUpdate

      void ftSynUpdate(String index, String groupId, boolean skipInitialScan, String... words)
      Execute the command FT.SYNUPDATE. Summary: Update a synonym group Group: search
      index - the index name.
      groupId - the synonym group
      skipInitialScan - if set to true, does not scan and index, and only documents that are indexed after the update are affected.
      words - the synonyms
    • ftTagVals

      void ftTagVals(String index, String field)
      Execute the command FT.TAGVALS. Summary: return a distinct set of values indexed in a Tag field Group: search
      index - the index name.
      field - the name of a tag file defined in the schema.