Annotation Type Scheduled

  • @Target(METHOD)
    public @interface Scheduled
    Identifies a method of a bean class that is automatically scheduled and invoked by the container.

    A scheduled method is a non-abstract non-private method of a bean class. It may be either static or non-static.

    The schedule is defined either by cron() or by every() attribute. If both are specified, the cron expression takes precedence.

     class MyService {
         @Scheduled(cron = "0/5 * * * * ?")
         void check() {
             // do something important every 5 seconds
    The annotated method must return void and either declare no parameters or one parameter of type ScheduledExecution.
    See Also:
    • Element Detail

      • identity

        String identity
        Optionally defines a unique identifier for this job.

        If the value starts with "{" and ends with "}" the scheduler attempts to find a corresponding config property and use the configured value instead: @Scheduled(identity = "{myservice.check.identity.expr}").

        If the value is not given, Quarkus will generate a unique id.

        the unique identity of the schedule
      • cron

        String cron
        Defines a cron-like expression. For example "0 15 10 * * ?" fires at 10:15am every day.

        If the value starts with "{" and ends with "}" the scheduler attempts to find a corresponding config property and use the configured value instead: @Scheduled(cron = "{myservice.check.cron.expr}").

        the cron-like expression
      • every

        String every
        Defines a period between invocations.

        The value is parsed with Duration.parse(CharSequence). However, if an expression starts with a digit, "PT" prefix is added automatically, so for example, 15m can be used instead of PT15M and is parsed as "15 minutes". Note that the absolute value of the value is always used.

        If the value starts with "{" and ends with "}" the scheduler attempts to find a corresponding config property and use the configured value instead: @Scheduled(every = "{myservice.check.every.expr}").

        the period expression based on the ISO-8601 duration format PnDTnHnMn.nS
      • delay

        long delay
        Delays the time the trigger should start at. The value is rounded to full second.

        By default, the trigger starts when registered.

        the initial delay
      • delayUnit

        TimeUnit delayUnit
        the unit of initial delay
        See Also:
      • delayed

        String delayed
        Defines a period after which the trigger should start. It's an alternative to delay(). If delay() is set to a value greater then zero the value of delayed() is ignored.

        The value is parsed with Duration.parse(CharSequence). However, if an expression starts with a digit, "PT" prefix is added automatically, so for example, 15s can be used instead of PT15S and is parsed as "15 seconds". Note that the absolute value of the value is always used.

        If the value starts with "{" and ends with "}" the scheduler attempts to find a corresponding config property and use the configured value instead: @Scheduled(delayed = "{myservice.delayed}").

        the period expression based on the ISO-8601 duration format PnDTnHnMn.nS
      • concurrentExecution

        Scheduled.ConcurrentExecution concurrentExecution
        Specify the strategy to handle concurrent execution of a scheduled method. By default, a scheduled method can be executed concurrently.
        the concurrent execution strategy
      • skipExecutionIf

        Class<? extends Scheduled.SkipPredicate> skipExecutionIf
        Specify the bean class that can be used to skip any execution of a scheduled method.

        There must be exactly one bean that has the specified class in its set of bean types, otherwise the build fails. Furthermore, the scope of the bean must be active during execution. If the scope is Dependent then the bean instance belongs exclusively to the specific scheduled method and is destroyed when the application is shut down.

        the bean class
      • overdueGracePeriod

        String overdueGracePeriod
        Defines a period after which the job is considered overdue.

        The value is parsed with Duration.parse(CharSequence). However, if an expression starts with a digit, "PT" prefix is added automatically, so for example, 15m can be used instead of PT15M and is parsed as "15 minutes". Note that the absolute value of the value is always used.

        If the value starts with "{" and ends with "}" the scheduler attempts to find a corresponding config property and use the configured value instead: &#64;Scheduled(every = "{myservice.check.overdue-grace-period.expr}").

        the period expression based on the ISO-8601 duration format PnDTnHnMn.nS