Interface TestMethodInvoker

  • public interface TestMethodInvoker
    An SPI that allows modules that integrate with @QuarkusTest or @QuarkusUnitTest to alter the invocation of the actual test method. Implementations are loaded from the same ClassLoader that loads the actual test method (so NOT the ClassLoader that loads the extension) which results in the extension having to invoke the method with reflection, but otherwise allows the implementation to (mostly) avoid dealing with class-loading.
    • Method Detail

      • handlesMethodParamType

        default boolean handlesMethodParamType​(String paramClassName)
        Determine whether this method invoker handles a test method parameter on its own
      • methodParamInstance

        default Object methodParamInstance​(String paramClassName)
      • supportsMethod

        boolean supportsMethod​(Class<?> originalTestClass,
                               Method originalTestMethod)
        Determines whether this SPI should handle the test method. The class and method are those supplied by JUnit which means they have been loaded from the original ClassLoader that loaded the QuarkusTestExtension and NOT the ClassLoader that loaded this class.
      • invoke

        Object invoke​(Object actualTestInstance,
                      Method actualTestMethod,
                      List<Object> actualTestMethodArgs,
                      String testClassName)
               throws Throwable
        Invoked by QuarkusTestExtension when the test method needs to actually be run. The parameters being passed have been loaded by QuarkusTestExtension on the proper ClassLoader