Interface QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager
    Manage the lifecycle of a test resource, for instance a H2 test server.

    These resources are started before the first test is run, and are closed at the end of the test suite. They are configured via the QuarkusTestResource annotation, which can be placed on any class in the test suite. These can also be loaded via a service loader mechanism, however if a service loader is used it should not also be annotated as this will result in it being executed twice. Note that when using these with QuarkusUnitTest (rather than @QuarkusTest) they run before the ClassLoader has been setup. This means injection may not work as expected.

    Due to the very early execution in the test setup lifecycle, logging does not work in such a manager.

    • Method Detail

      • start

        Map<String,​String> start()
        Start the test resource.
        A map of system properties that should be set for the running test
      • stop

        void stop()
        Stop the test resource.
      • init

        default void init​(Map<String,​String> initArgs)
        Arguments passed to the lifecycle manager before it starts These arguments are taken from QuarkusTestResource#initArgs() The args is never null
        See Also:
      • inject

        default void inject​(Object testInstance)
        Allow each resource to provide custom injection of fields of the test class. Most implementations will likely use inject(TestInjector) as it provides a simpler way to inject into fields of tests. It is worth mentioning that this injection into the test class is not under the control of CDI and happens after CDI has performed any necessary injections into the test class.
      • order

        default int order()
        If multiple Test Resources are specified, this control the order of which they will be executed.
        The order to be executed. The larger the number, the later the Resource is invoked.