All Classes and Interfaces

Provides utility methods for obtaining annotations on test classes.
A wrapper around ClassLoader whose only purpose is to expose defineClass This is needed in order to easily inject classes into the classloader without having to resort to tricks (that don't work that well on new JDKs)
Interface that can be used to get properties from DevServices for QuarkusTest and QuarkusIntegrationTest based tests.
Interface that can be implemented to allow automatic injection of the context.
ClassValue are used in Groovy which causes memory leaks if not properly cleaned, but unfortunately, they are very complex to clean up, especially the ClassValue corresponding to system classes that must be cleaned too to avoid memory leaks moreover if not cleaned wisely errors of type MissingMethodException can be thrown, so we had better to simply disable them by setting the System property groovy.use.classvalue to false see GROOVY-7591 for more details.
Instructs the test engine to inject a mock instance of a bean into the annotated field or parameter.
Interface than can be implemented to notify the test infrastructure that the produced artifact has started for non HTTP based @QuarkusIntegrationTests.
If an implementation of this class is found using the ServiceLoader mechanism, then it is used.
The built-in stereotype intended for use with mock beans injected in tests.
Maps between builder test and application class directories.
Used to define a test resource.
Manage the lifecycle of a test resource, for instance a H2 test server.
Provides methods to handle the common injection cases.
Returns true if the field is annotated with the supplied annotation.
Returns true if the field is annotated with the supplied annotation and can also be assigned to the supplied type.
Returns true if the field can be assigned to the supplied type.
Used to indicate the type of the repeatable annotation type annotated with a QuarkusTestResource annotations.
Uses to define arguments of for QuarkusTestResource see QuarkusTestResource.initArgs()
Utility class that sets the rest assured port to the default test port and meaningful timeouts.
A launcher that simply sets the property based on the value quarkus.http.test-host in order to support the case of running integration tests against an already running application using RestAssured without any chances.
Indicates that this test class or method is testing a specific endpoint.
Indicates that a field should be injected with a resource that is pre-configured to use the correct test URL.
An SPI that allows modules that integrate with @QuarkusTest or @QuarkusUnitTest to alter the invocation of the actual test method.
Indicates that this method should be run in a rollback only reactive transaction.
Indicates that this method should be run in a rollback only JTA transaction.