Class HttpConfiguration

    • Field Detail

      • corsEnabled

        public boolean corsEnabled
        Enable the CORS filter.
      • host

        public String host
        The HTTP host In dev/test mode this defaults to localhost, in prod mode this defaults to Defaulting to makes it easier to deploy Quarkus to container, however it is not suitable for dev/test mode as other people on the network can connect to your development machine.
      • insecureRequests

        public HttpConfiguration.InsecureRequests insecureRequests
        If insecure (i.e. http rather than https) requests are allowed. If this is enabled then http works as normal. redirect will still open the http port, but all requests will be redirected to the HTTPS port. disabled will prevent the HTTP port from opening at all.
      • http2

        public boolean http2
        If this is true (the default) then HTTP/2 will be enabled. Note that for browsers to be able to use it HTTPS must be enabled, and you must be running on JDK11 or above, as JDK8 does not support ALPN.
      • handle100ContinueAutomatically

        public boolean handle100ContinueAutomatically
        When set to true, the HTTP server automatically sends `100 CONTINUE` response when the request expects it (with the `Expect: 100-Continue` header).
      • ioThreads

        public OptionalInt ioThreads
        The number if IO threads used to perform IO. This will be automatically set to a reasonable value based on the number of CPU cores if it is not provided. If this is set to a higher value than the number of Vert.x event loops then it will be capped at the number of event loops. In general this should be controlled by setting quarkus.vertx.event-loops-pool-size, this setting should only be used if you want to limit the number of HTTP io threads to a smaller number than the total number of IO threads.
      • readTimeout

        public Duration readTimeout
        Http connection read timeout for blocking IO. This is the maximum amount of time a thread will wait for data, before an IOException will be thrown and the connection closed.
      • body

        public BodyConfig body
        Request body related settings
      • encryptionKey

        public Optional<String> encryptionKey
        The encryption key that is used to store persistent logins (e.g. for form auth). Logins are stored in a persistent cookie that is encrypted with AES-256 using a key derived from a SHA-256 hash of the key that is provided here. If no key is provided then an in-memory one will be generated, this will change on every restart though so it is not suitable for production environments. This must be more than 16 characters long for security reasons
      • soReusePort

        public boolean soReusePort
        Enable socket reuse port (linux/macOs native transport only)
      • tcpQuickAck

        public boolean tcpQuickAck
        Enable tcp quick ack (linux native transport only)
      • tcpCork

        public boolean tcpCork
        Enable tcp cork (linux native transport only)
      • tcpFastOpen

        public boolean tcpFastOpen
        Enable tcp fast open (linux native transport only)
      • acceptBacklog

        public int acceptBacklog
        The accept backlog, this is how many connections can be waiting to be accepted before connections start being rejected
      • domainSocketEnabled

        public boolean domainSocketEnabled
        Enable listening to host:port
      • recordRequestStartTime

        public boolean recordRequestStartTime
        If this is true then the request start time will be recorded to enable logging of total request time. This has a small performance penalty, so is disabled by default.
      • unhandledErrorContentTypeDefault

        public Optional<HttpConfiguration.PayloadHint> unhandledErrorContentTypeDefault
        Provides a hint (optional) for the default content type of responses generated for the errors not handled by the application.

        If the client requested a supported content-type in request headers (e.g. "Accept: application/json", "Accept: text/html"), Quarkus will use that content type.

        Otherwise, it will default to the content type configured here.

    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpConfiguration

        public HttpConfiguration()
    • Method Detail

      • determinePort

        public int determinePort​(LaunchMode launchMode)
      • determineSslPort

        public int determineSslPort​(LaunchMode launchMode)