Class CertificateConfig

  • public class CertificateConfig
    extends Object
    A certificate configuration. Either the certificate and key files must be given, or a key store must be given.
    • Field Detail

      • credentialsProvider

        public Optional<String> credentialsProvider
        The CredentialsProvider. If this property is configured then a matching 'CredentialsProvider' will be used to get the keystore, keystore key and truststore passwords unless these passwords have already been configured. Please note that using MicroProfile ConfigSource which is directly supported by Quarkus Configuration should be preferred unless using `CredentialsProvider` provides for some additional security and dynamism.
      • credentialsProviderName

        public Optional<String> credentialsProviderName
        The credentials provider bean name.

        It is the &#64;Named value of the credentials provider bean. It is used to discriminate if multiple CredentialsProvider beans are available. It is recommended to set this property even if there is only one credentials provider currently available to ensure the same provider is always found in deployments where more than one provider may be available.

      • files

        public Optional<List<Path>> files
        The list of path to server certificates using the PEM format. Specifying multiple files require SNI to be enabled.
      • keyFiles

        public Optional<List<Path>> keyFiles
        The list of path to server certificates private key file using the PEM format. Specifying multiple files require SNI to be enabled. The order of the key files must match the order of the certificates.
      • keyStoreFile

        public Optional<Path> keyStoreFile
        An optional key store which holds the certificate information instead of specifying separate files.
      • keyStoreFileType

        public Optional<String> keyStoreFileType
        An optional parameter to specify type of the key store file. If not given, the type is automatically detected based on the file name.
      • keyStoreProvider

        public Optional<String> keyStoreProvider
        An optional parameter to specify a provider of the key store file. If not given, the provider is automatically detected based on the key store file type.
      • keyStorePassword

        public Optional<String> keyStorePassword
        A parameter to specify the password of the key store file. If not given, and if it can not be retrieved from CredentialsProvider, then the default ("password") is used.
      • keyStorePasswordKey

        public Optional<String> keyStorePasswordKey
        A parameter to specify a CredentialsProvider property key which can be used to get the password of the key store file from CredentialsProvider.
      • keyStoreKeyAlias

        public Optional<String> keyStoreKeyAlias
        An optional parameter to select a specific key in the key store. When SNI is disabled, if the key store contains multiple keys and no alias is specified, the behavior is undefined.
      • keyStoreKeyPassword

        public Optional<String> keyStoreKeyPassword
        An optional parameter to define the password for the key, in case it's different from keyStorePassword If not given then it may be retrieved from CredentialsProvider.
      • keyStoreKeyPasswordKey

        public Optional<String> keyStoreKeyPasswordKey
        A parameter to specify a CredentialsProvider property key which can be used to get the password for the key from CredentialsProvider.
      • trustStoreFile

        public Optional<Path> trustStoreFile
        An optional trust store which holds the certificate information of the certificates to trust.
      • trustStoreFileType

        public Optional<String> trustStoreFileType
        An optional parameter to specify type of the trust store file. If not given, the type is automatically detected based on the file name.
      • trustStoreProvider

        public Optional<String> trustStoreProvider
        An optional parameter to specify a provider of the trust store file. If not given, the provider is automatically detected based on the trust store file type.
      • trustStorePassword

        public Optional<String> trustStorePassword
        A parameter to specify the password of the trust store file. If not given then it may be retrieved from CredentialsProvider.
      • trustStorePasswordKey

        public Optional<String> trustStorePasswordKey
        A parameter to specify a CredentialsProvider property key which can be used to get the password of the trust store file from CredentialsProvider.
      • trustStoreCertAlias

        public Optional<String> trustStoreCertAlias
        An optional parameter to trust only one specific certificate in the trust store (instead of trusting all certificates in the store).
    • Constructor Detail

      • CertificateConfig

        public CertificateConfig()