Class PolicyMappingConfig

  • public class PolicyMappingConfig
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • enabled

        public Optional<Boolean> enabled
        Determines whether the entire permission set is enabled, or not. By default, if the permission set is defined, it is enabled.
      • policy

        public String policy
        The HTTP policy that this permission set is linked to. There are 3 built in policies: permit, deny and authenticated. Role based policies can be defined, and extensions can add their own policies.
      • methods

        public Optional<List<String>> methods
        The methods that this permission set applies to. If this is not set then they apply to all methods. Note that if a request matches any path from any permission set, but does not match the constraint due to the method not being listed then the request will be denied. Method specific permissions take precedence over matches that do not have any methods set. This means that for example if Quarkus is configured to allow GET and POST requests to /admin to and no other permissions are configured PUT requests to /admin will be denied.
      • paths

        public Optional<List<String>> paths
        The paths that this permission check applies to. If the path ends in /* then this is treated as a path prefix, otherwise it is treated as an exact match. Matches are done on a length basis, so the most specific path match takes precedence. If multiple permission sets match the same path then explicit methods matches take precedence over matches without methods set, otherwise the most restrictive permissions are applied.
      • authMechanism

        public Optional<String> authMechanism
        Path specific authentication mechanism which must be used to authenticate a user. It needs to match HttpCredentialTransport authentication scheme such as 'basic', 'bearer', 'form', etc.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PolicyMappingConfig

        public PolicyMappingConfig()