Class ProxyConfig

  • public class ProxyConfig
    extends Object
    Holds configuration related with proxy addressing forward.
    • Field Detail

      • proxyAddressForwarding

        public boolean proxyAddressForwarding
        If this is true then the address, scheme etc. will be set from headers forwarded by the proxy server, such as X-Forwarded-For. This should only be set if you are behind a proxy that sets these headers.
      • allowForwarded

        public boolean allowForwarded
        If this is true and proxy address forwarding is enabled then the standard Forwarded header will be used. In case the not standard X-Forwarded-For header is enabled and detected on HTTP requests, the standard header has the precedence. Activating this together with quarkus.http.proxy.allow-x-forwarded has security implications as clients can forge requests with a forwarded header that is not overwritten by the proxy. Therefore, proxies should strip unexpected `X-Forwarded` or `X-Forwarded-*` headers from the client.
      • allowXForwarded

        public Optional<Boolean> allowXForwarded
        If either this or allow-forwarded are true and proxy address forwarding is enabled then the not standard Forwarded header will be used. In case the standard Forwarded header is enabled and detected on HTTP requests, the standard header has the precedence. Activating this together with quarkus.http.proxy.allow-x-forwarded has security implications as clients can forge requests with a forwarded header that is not overwritten by the proxy. Therefore, proxies should strip unexpected `X-Forwarded` or `X-Forwarded-*` headers from the client.
      • enableForwardedHost

        public boolean enableForwardedHost
        Enable override the received request's host through a forwarded host header.
      • forwardedHostHeader

        public String forwardedHostHeader
        Configure the forwarded host header to be used if override enabled.
      • enableForwardedPrefix

        public boolean enableForwardedPrefix
        Enable prefix the received request's path with a forwarded prefix header.
      • forwardedPrefixHeader

        public String forwardedPrefixHeader
        Configure the forwarded prefix header to be used if prefixing enabled.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProxyConfig

        public ProxyConfig()