Class CORSFilter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CORSFilter
    extends Object
    implements io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext>
    • Constructor Detail

      • CORSFilter

        public CORSFilter​(CORSConfig corsConfig)
    • Method Detail

      • isConfiguredWithWildcard

        public static boolean isConfiguredWithWildcard​(Optional<List<String>> optionalList)
      • parseAllowedOriginsRegex

        public static List<Pattern> parseAllowedOriginsRegex​(Optional<List<String>> allowedOrigins)
        Parse the provided allowed origins for any regexes
        allowedOrigins -
        a list of compiled regular expressions. If none configured, and empty list is returned
      • isOriginAllowedByRegex

        public static boolean isOriginAllowedByRegex​(List<Pattern> allowOriginsRegex,
                                                     String origin)
        If any regular expression origins are configured, try to match on them. Regular expressions must begin and end with '/'
        allowedOrigins - the configured regex origins.
        origin - the specified origin
        true if any configured regular expressions match the specified origin, false otherwise
      • handle

        public void handle​(io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext event)
        Specified by:
        handle in interface io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext>