Class BodyConfig

  • public class BodyConfig
    extends Object
    Request body related settings
    • Field Detail

      • handleFileUploads

        public boolean handleFileUploads
        Whether the files sent using multipart/form-data will be stored locally.

        If true, they will be stored in quarkus.http.body-handler.uploads-directory and will be made available via io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext.fileUploads(). Otherwise, the files sent using multipart/form-data will not be stored locally, and io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext.fileUploads() will always return an empty collection. Note that even with this option being set to false, the multipart/form-data requests will be accepted.

      • uploadsDirectory

        public String uploadsDirectory
        The directory where the files sent using multipart/form-data should be stored.

        Either an absolute path or a path relative to the current directory of the application process.

      • mergeFormAttributes

        public boolean mergeFormAttributes
        Whether the form attributes should be added to the request parameters.

        If true, the form attributes will be added to the request parameters; otherwise the form parameters will not be added to the request parameters

      • deleteUploadedFilesOnEnd

        public boolean deleteUploadedFilesOnEnd
        Whether the uploaded files should be removed after serving the request.

        If true the uploaded files stored in quarkus.http.body-handler.uploads-directory will be removed after handling the request. Otherwise, the files will be left there forever.

      • preallocateBodyBuffer

        public boolean preallocateBodyBuffer
        Whether the body buffer should pre-allocated based on the Content-Length header value.

        If true the body buffer is pre-allocated according to the size read from the Content-Length header. Otherwise, the body buffer is pre-allocated to 1KB, and is resized dynamically

    • Constructor Detail

      • BodyConfig

        public BodyConfig()