Class ManagementInterfaceBuildTimeConfig

    • Field Detail

      • enabled

        public boolean enabled
        Enables / Disables the usage of a separate interface/port to expose the management endpoints. If sets to true, the management endpoints will be exposed to a different HTTP server. This avoids exposing the management endpoints on a publicly available server.
      • tlsClientAuth

        public io.vertx.core.http.ClientAuth tlsClientAuth
        Configures the engine to require/request client authentication. NONE, REQUEST, REQUIRED
      • rootPath

        public String rootPath
        A common root path for management endpoints. Various extension-provided management endpoints such as metrics and health are deployed under this path by default.
      • enableCompression

        public boolean enableCompression
        If responses should be compressed.

        Note that this will attempt to compress all responses, to avoid compressing already compressed content (such as images) you need to set the following header:

        Content-Encoding: identity

        Which will tell vert.x not to compress the response.

      • enableDecompression

        public boolean enableDecompression
        When enabled, vert.x will decompress the request's body if it's compressed.

        Note that the compression format (e.g., gzip) must be specified in the Content-Encoding header in the request.

      • compressionLevel

        public OptionalInt compressionLevel
        The compression level used when compression support is enabled.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ManagementInterfaceBuildTimeConfig

        public ManagementInterfaceBuildTimeConfig()