Class AccessLogConfig

  • public class AccessLogConfig
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • enabled

        public boolean enabled
        If access logging is enabled. By default this will log via the standard logging facility
      • excludePattern

        Optional<String> excludePattern
        A regular expression that can be used to exclude some paths from logging.
      • pattern

        public String pattern
        The access log pattern. If this is the string `common`, `combined` or `long` then this will use one of the specified named formats: - common: `%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b` - combined: `%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b "%{i,Referer}" "%{i,User-Agent}"` - long: `%r\n%{ALL_REQUEST_HEADERS}` Otherwise, consult the Quarkus documentation for the full list of variables that can be used.
      • logToFile

        public boolean logToFile
        If logging should be done to a separate file.
      • baseFileName

        public String baseFileName
        The access log file base name, defaults to 'quarkus' which will give a log file name of 'quarkus.log'.
      • logDirectory

        public Optional<String> logDirectory
        The log directory to use when logging access to a file If this is not set then the current working directory is used.
      • category

        public String category
        The log category to use if logging is being done via the standard log mechanism (i.e. if base-file-name is empty).
    • Constructor Detail

      • AccessLogConfig

        public AccessLogConfig()